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2008-07-01 P & Z
Planning & Zoning
Agenda Packets
2008-07-01 P & Z
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7/2/2008 9:51:33 AM
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7/2/2008 9:50:32 AM
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<br />Subdivision design shall comply with the following general design standards: <br /> <br />(A) Natural ftatures. Existing natural features which would add value to the subdivision and the <br />city, such as trees, steep slopes, watercourses, historic spots and similar irreplaceable assets, shall be <br />preserved, insofar as possible, through harmonious design of the subdivision. <br /> <br />(B) Land dedication. In all new subdivisions, ten percent of the gross area subdivided shall be <br />dedicated for public recreation space, with this ten percent being in addition to property dedicated for <br />streets, alleys, easements or other public ways. No areas may be dedicated for public use until the <br />areas have been approved as being suitable and needed for the public health, safety, convenience and/or <br />general welfare. When the subdivision is too small for practical dedication of public land or if no land <br />in the subdivision is suitable for that use, the subdivider shall be required to pay a fee as per schedule <br />in effect per lot created or ten percent of the subdivision land value, whichever is greater, prior to <br />subdivision; the value (market) of the land shall be determined by negotiation between city and <br />developer. Lots created in any manner that are larger than five acres or 300 feet in width shall not be <br />subject to dedication of land for public use. A fee according to the current schedule will be charged on <br />every building permit issued pertaining to new housing units for parks and playgrounds. <br /> <br />(C) Planned unit development. These design standards of this chapter may be modified by the <br />City Council in the case of a plan utilizing an unusual concept of development which meets the <br />requirements of the section. The planned unit development provision is intended to encourage original <br />and imaginative subdivision design which preserves the natural amenities of the site and provides for <br />the general welfare of the city. It shall conform to the planned unit development requirements of the <br />city zoning chapter. <br /> <br />(D) Soi/tests. The city may require soil tests prior to the final approval of any plat. These soil <br />tests shall consist of test holes to a depth necessary to determine the various types of soil to be <br />encountered before reaching a stable base. The test holes, when ordered by the city authorities, shall be <br />drill.d "lb. oxpen'" of lb. own" ~" ~=" . rmati isclos 'aI1l~ . the <br />city together with a copy of the prop...edP... la. the. .....0. catl' ~ach st hole. The formation <br />required by the city shall include a r. ,ort as th..'~ type en "d and ir depths, <br />the level ofthe groundwater and a se age te an may ~~d , .1 i ormation. T 'number of <br />test holes to be drilled and their the operty~ h is pr s to be platt will be as <br />directed by the city or its authorized representative. In questionable cases, the owner shall be required <br />to furnish to the City Council a report from a recognized engineering laboratory as to the safety and <br />practicability of the use of the area for building construction, including the feasibility for installation of <br />sewage facilities. <br /> <br />(E) Restriction onjiling and recording conveyances. <br /> <br />(I) Restriction. State law states that a municipality with adopted subdivision regulations, no <br />conveyance of land shall be filed or recorded if the land is described in the conveyance by metes and <br />bounds; by reference to an unapproved registered land survey after 4-21-1961; or by an unapproved <br />plat made after those regulations become effective. <br /> <br />(2) Limits of applicability. The above restrictions do not apply if the land described in the <br /> <br />31 <br />
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