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<br />3. The Company shall transfer to the Commission title to and ownership of all <br />equipment listed in soon to be created Exhibit A, which shall be made a part hereof <br /> <br />4. The Company shall make available for the term of the Franchise and any <br />renewals thereof for use by the Commission and City those six channels currently on the <br />North Central Suburban cable system and currently known as the Public Access Channel <br />15, the Government Access Channel 16, and the Educational Access Channels 58, 60, and <br />61, and the Religious Access Channel 57. the Company shall separate cable casting on <br />these channels, if not already accomplished, so that these channels may be discretely <br />programmed and cable cast to Coon Rapids and the remaining seven (7) Member Cities of <br />the Commission. The expense for system conversion to allow for such discrete cable <br />casting shall come from any excess PEG fees collected by the Company in 1995 and <br />1996, and the first tow (2) months of 1997 pursuant to that certain Memorandum of <br />Understanding ("MOU") by and between City and Company. In addition, the Commission <br />and City shall have complete and unrestricted access to the above-mentioned channels, <br />however, the Company will have full responsibility for the term of the Franchise for the <br />maintenance, repair, and technical performance of said channels. <br /> <br />5. Commencing January 1, 1997, the PEG Fee established pursuant to the <br />Memorandum of Understanding shall be $1. 75 per month per subscriber. <br /> <br />6. The Company shall pay the full amount of the PEG Fee collected from the <br />subscribers of City to the Commission, or its designee. The Company shall prepay <br />quarterly, an estimated quarterly PEG Fee, which shall be annually reconciled to reflect <br />actual PEG Fee receipts by Meredith subject to more frequent reconciliation by mutual <br />agreement of the parties. The first prepayment shall be on or before March 1, 1997 for <br />March, April, May and June of 1997. <br /> <br />7. The Company shall assign and the Commission, or its designee, shall assume all <br />real-estate and equipment leases and contracts relating to PEG Programming. <br /> <br />8. The Commission shall be responsible for any and all I-Net or other switching <br />related to PEG Programming or non-profit use of the I-Net capacity for its seven (7) <br />Member Cities, which shall occur only as provided in the Franchise and consistent with <br />applicable laws. <br /> <br />9. The Commission shall advise Meredith in writing at least thirty (30) days prior <br />to the Effective Date of Transfer of its intention to make offers of employment to <br />Meredith personnel relating to PEG Programming. The Commission intends to employ all <br />five (5) current employees of Meredith and North Central Community Programming <br />operations. <br /> <br />10. City agrees to allow Meredith to keep its local customer service office in the <br />space it occupies as of December 31, 1996, provided that Meredith assumes the capital <br />