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<br />Statutes. Acceptance of contributions of fixed assets or other property shall be <br />in accordance with applicable Minnesota Statutes and shall be the responsibility <br />of the city council. The Finance Director will be notified of any asset acquired <br />by means of contribution. Donated fixed assets shall be recorded at fair market <br />value. <br /> <br />7. Purchase Orders: <br /> <br />Purchases that are not routine in nature and/or are above the amount of $1 ,000 <br />shall require a purchase order. Pre-numbered purchase order forms will be <br />available from the City Finance Director and will include an explanation of the <br />item or service, the cost of the item or service, and a recommendation of where <br />the expense should be allocated (coded). All purchase orders must be signed <br />by the appropriate supervisor and the City Administrator. <br /> <br />8. Approval of Claims for Payment: <br /> <br />All expenditures of any department of the city, whether general or capital, <br />require final approval of the city council before payment. Final approval <br />consists of council action at an official meeting of the city council. The <br />following exceptions may be paid by approval of the city administrator and are <br />given general blanket approval by the city council, provided that a list of all <br />such claims paid in this manner is presented to the council for approval at the <br />next regular meeting: <br /> <br />a. disbursements made from trust and agency funds of the city; <br /> <br />b. bond payments including principal, interest, and agent fees; <br /> <br />c. payroll; <br /> <br />d. appropriations of the city council; <br /> <br />e. registration fees for meetings and seminars where a late charge would <br />be incurred or a deadline missed if payment was delayed to the next <br />council meeting; <br /> <br />f. postage meter replenishment; <br /> <br />g. contract payments for contracts entered into by the city council that <br />have specific payment instructions, including construction and <br />development contracts, with the exception of the final payment; <br /> <br />h. payments in which a substantial discount can be realized by timely <br />payment; <br /> <br />5 <br />