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<br />04-06-01 02:08pm From-PROP REC , TAX <br /> <br />7633235421 <br /> <br />T-447 P.03/03 F-6S3 <br /> <br />The following accurately rafl.eta both existing and proposed arnounts~ <br /> <br /> rill Special Waste Penalty Int.res~ Coals Total <br /> A_sements 'H <br />Original <br />Proposed I <br /> I <br />Reduatlon <br /> <br />CI <br />o <br /> <br />Tax is Paid Date~ <br /> <br />.19_ <br /> <br />Cj Equal Annual <br />u Decnning Balance <br />Cl Flat Tax <br /> <br />a Abatement <br />o lncrease <br /> <br />Tax 1S NOT Paid <br /> <br />. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION <br />After examining the apptl.::ant's claims, I have carel\Jlly investigated this application and fine the facts to be as follows: <br /> <br />ClTYrrOWr~ COuNCtL RESOLUT10N NUM,8eR: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION DATE: <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />Signature of Investtgator <br /> <br />CERTlFICATIONS OF APPROVAL. <br />Note: For thit: abat81118f'1llD b& approved. the County AudItor Md 1tI. Caunly Board elf CllIIIn'IIlICion...s= muS118vorabty recommend its <br />_ Idcp1lon. <br /> <br />COUNTY AUDtTOR1S RECOMMENDA'Tl0N <br /> <br />-..~_. 0 <br /> <br />Approved <br /> <br />LJ <br /> <br />Denied <br /> <br />Audito(s SignatJre <br /> <br />COUNTY SOARD OF COMMJSSIONeRIS ACTION {To be cOlnpleteCi by County Auditor} <br /> <br />LJ ~ Approved <br /> <br />o Denied <br /> <br />, cert:ty that at a meeting held _ ' 19_ the County Board took the above offiCial <br />a.ction on thls abatement. This action was duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of its proceedings as a pUbliC <br />record. shOwing the names of taxpa.yers. other coneemec persons and the amounts InvolVed. <br /> <br />CEATlflCAT10N OF FiNAL APPROVAL (Completed only for apprOVed abatements) <br />I furtnar certify that tne approval of this abatement has resulted In the foUowinQ changes: <br /> <br />ReQuction Of Special Assessments $, <br />Reductlon Of Penalties On Special A$smts $ <br />Reduction Of Interest On Special Assmts $ <br /> <br />Reduction Of Costs On Special Assmts $ <br />Total Amount Of Reductton $ <br />Total Amount Payable $ <br /> <br />Signature of County Auditor <br /> <br />Date <br />