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<br />/J . -I. · '-.., ~ J <br />~.../ ~ ' <br />. A. <br /> <br />f~ <br /> <br />~.; <br /> <br />;':: , <br /> <br />~'.....-- -,. -'" ~ .... <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />- <br />:. <br /> <br />L f\ 1- I en -Ln-~--~--~-Z=7VI'E-rcI1ILLt:: <br /> <br /> <br />Updated n3~~ shO\~jn~ toe locati()~s of.trunK.seHer PRoPtJ~n GOIIs-r-It.....~ <br />lateraL:), Tlft statloni, forceffiillos, Illcludlng :sc.HE.~Alt (J"Sy"J <br />direction of se\'/aga flo~'I. Also pri':ate treatll~nt \._ . <br />fac~1it;~s, septic tank and marina d'.lmp sites sitouldj NpT /ttF~/tJ"Gti <br />be ldentlfied. : <br /> <br />X 2) Se\l:~r de.tl9rt. flo\'l and cap~city (or si~e Clnd S~OQ~) of <br />jnajo~ laterals, trunks anoforc::onains sho'Jld ~ indi-, <br />cate . <br /> <br />/1) <br /> <br />/ 3) <br /> <br />:X <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br />Local yint~rgo'{ernm~ntal_~~~'/.~.~? flo':1 syst~ms s:lould b~ peTe-IIt/IfL <br />indicated. Tnls should 'itlclud~ t.:l~ area sarv?d and r'-tJfJ cSN\.y <br />nUiuiJ~i- of exi sl i n~ dltJ po t.~,'. Lid 1 ('~f1'lecl;i (Jii5. <br /> <br />.,> .frJy_~t~_tr~~t~!!LILl~I:1.t~ including t;l~ir tyi':!, capacity" <br />copy of j~PDC:S p2rmi ts and scil2Gul ~ fOl. tile pl ant Ujl- . ? <br />grading or possi~le pili!sing Olli:. (PRE -TR/EArmENr I?ECYC:L'NS) .. <br /> <br />...." <br /> <br />e. <br />o . . <br /> <br />5) . Prp-s ~n t if;:l'!S!l'ed J~.(mYl ~t.ion all C n u~b ~r or conn~cti OftS and 'pl"Ojec.t..~ <br />increasa in eac~' i)y y~ar for the next fiv~ years. <br /> <br />6) lqcation of. ex1stil19 or antici;Bted S::!~'i~r and/or se\.,aga system <br />..PLQl:tl~8.s..a (Hunicipll se\'/ag9 collection syst~iaS and/or pr1vat~ <br />Se\1age di sposa 1 S~lS terns). 0 ...."'. <br /> <br />7) li~a1. indi cati n9 location of t~m:Jor~ry Or perliT~nent.9.i1-s1 t~~~"aga <br />.4~1o~p_~,!Ullcllit,L~ f1aps should id~ntify areas by USDA Soil ....... <br />Conservation Service soil class, high ground "later tables, st~ep <br />slopes and underlying rock fonnaticns near the. ground surface.- <br /> <br />. " <br /> <br />General fnfonnat1an concerning co:nmunity dev~lopment.:.. . <br /> <br />- " ..~ <br /> <br />. . -.. <br /> <br />'. ....:.:.. <br /> <br />;: Xl) J>> sulJstanti ally in agreemant \-'1 th' the '.!!tro- ~ .... <br />.politan Council projE;Ctiorls or justified wi to "dlid ::;upport data. '.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~. . <br /> <br /> <br />~: . :.:.:~..~. .: .~.. <br />X 2) ~xfsttng land use ma~. . .. ~..~\::.. _. <br /> <br /> <br />.. .. .... ..&. <br /> <br /> <br />/ 3) Projected interim and ultimate ~and_lf;e rn~_.2.!!9 zoning l:e.ud~tton; ,.:,:."y~ ..';":1 <br />,. ..con.ststent_.\.' cOimlunity .c.ompreh~nsive.pla' \1l!tlands.'dot .. <br />. floodplains. dralnaga areas, lakes~ etc.).. . .. ..~~ . · .... ~AJ..Elhj". <br /> <br />4) .!X9P1!~~!! govemmental corporate ..b()undarl_ ch.ang~..!.. . .. .:. ~ <br /> <br /> <br />. .., .. . . <br /> <br /> <br />c. flet1 set.,age factl it, desiQn informati on: .:'~.. .. . <br /> <br />,Xl) <br />-~ 2) <br />..x <br />3) <br /> <br />Das.ign !:JB.~parfo~ and 'popula~tQn served. {AL -r-,/1f1tTE- AVt, ry <br /> <br />. ,: <br /> <br />02519n p_~r ~~pjt~flo:.:~ (Everag:! and m:udrnum). <br /> <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />Types, volumes, a)nd strengths of.pntjcip~~~~~~te~~~~~t (domestic. <br />industrial. etc.. 0 . <br /> <br />~) Idao t1 fi cation of all :iJ.1j!u_~ tr~..L~_~ ..'I;~:t~ d-i scitarg~ exce~d5 50.0JQ <br />gpj 0..- f i \J e p~rCt~rt t 0 f to t,~ 1 f 1 0','; . <br />