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IRDINANCE #31 <br />>age two <br />Jothing herein shall be construed as prventing any such <br />Lualified licensee from performing the work by an employee <br />ander his supervision and control, nor a property owner <br />:'rom performing his- own work providing all provisions of the <br />tniform Building Code are adhered to, <br />L license granted to a general contractor shall include the <br />ig.t to per rm all-- -of -the inid.ed - ire -tri s -genua <br />;ontract. Such license shall include any or all persons <br />)erforming the work which is classified and listed in Section <br />� above, provided that each person performing such work <br />Ls in the regular employ of such general contractor and <br />jualif ied as required under state law and the provisions <br />)f this Ordinance to perform such work. The general con- <br />tractor shall be responsible for the quality and completeness <br />of all of the work so performed. <br />SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall not be construed to effect <br />the responsibility or liability for any party owning, <br />operating or installing the above described work for damages <br />to persons or property caused by any defect therein nor <br />shall the City of Centerville be held as assuming any such <br />liability by reasoon of the licensing of persons, firms <br />or corporations engaged in such work. <br />SECTION 6e The City Council may issue a variance hereto, <br />waiving the requirements of this Ordinance or any portions <br />thereof in the event of a declared emergency and for such <br />period of time as deemed by the Council to be necessary, <br />SECTION Any license may be revoked for just cause after <br />a public hearing proceeded by ten (10) days written notice <br />to the licensee. <br />SECTION 8. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate <br />any provision of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a mis- <br />demeanor as defined by State Law. <br />SECTION 9. This ordinance will take effect August 1, 1978. <br />Adopted by the City Council of the City of Centerville <br />on June 14, 19789 <br />WALTER PRACHAR , MAYOR <br />ATTEST: <br />LU PRACHAR, CLERK <br />