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2008-05-21 CC WS Approved
City Council
2008-05-21 CC WS Approved
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7/22/2008 11:14:10 AM
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7/22/2008 11:13:46 AM
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City of Centerville <br />City Council Work Session <br />May 21, 2008 <br />City Engineer Statz stated that because of the drainage factor, they are building things more <br />substantially. <br />Public Works Director Palzar suggested monitoring it on an annual basis. <br />Mayor Capra stated that she would like to review more of an actual schedule. It should be more <br />aggressive on the roads that get used more often. She stated that she wants to explore the <br />possibility of getting someone to oversee these projects other than the engineer. She added that <br />she does not want to think they need a babysitter but, since they do need to take the lowest bid, <br />she wants these projects scrutinized. <br />City Engineer Statz replied that on a project this size, he would suggest having afull-time <br />inspector. <br />Councilmember Broussard-Vickers inquired whether they could insert a process that each level <br />gets done before going on to the next level. <br />City Administrator Larson stated that at times they could possibly use someone from the City <br />Engineer's office in addition to a city staff person. <br />Mayor Capra stated that they have to have that overseeing on the project to make sure it is done <br />properly. <br />Councilmember Broussard-Vickers stated that there seems to be the thought of maintaining what <br />was put in place a good number of years ago. She inquired whether they are then ignoring what <br />people are saying is their reasoning for not wanting this project. She stated that she understands <br />we generally get this kind of opposition. The City Council is representing everyone in the City <br />who has put in any money; they are affecting everybody. <br />Councilmember Paar stated that if they do it as needed, it is more expensive because we are just <br />doing one road at a time. <br />Councilmember Lee stated that the economy helps us as much as it hurts us. He stated that there <br />is no way it will be cheaper later. <br />Mayor Capra stated that the citizens do not think it will be cheaper -they were just talking about <br />the economy and how gas is going up, etc. <br />Councilmember Paar suggested that, mid-section, they could throw that in as an alternative. He <br />added that Option 2 does not have that in there. <br />Mayor Capra stated that people are saying not to do the streets unless they need to be done. She <br />inquired about what is total failure and what can be delayed. <br />Page 12 of 14 <br />
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