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<br />E-Mailed to Council on 5/3/0 I at 11 :34 a.m. <br />April 25, 2001 Council Minutes <br /> <br />X. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br /> <br />1. Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park Electrical plAns <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson presented electrical plans for Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park for Council's <br />review. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg questioned whether the City could tap into the electrical line at any <br />point if future wiring is determined. Mr. Peterson stated that the transformer is the most <br />viable starting point for same. <br /> <br />Mr. March questioned the purpose of the power-line crossing overhead versus under the <br />parking lot. Mr. Peterson stated that same was determined by Xcel Energy. Xcel Energy <br />suggested that burying feeder lines under asphalt was not a good idea due to potential <br />problems, accessibility and cost effectiveness. Mr. Peterson stated that he would contact <br />Xcel Energy to ascertain if they may have additional suggestions for the line. <br /> <br />Mr. March stated he would prefer under ground power, if possible, to preserve the <br />appearance of open space in the park. <br /> <br />Consensus was that the power line be placed underground depending upon cost. Mr. <br />Peterson stated that the power would be under ground subsequent to crossing the parking <br />lot. <br /> <br />Mr. Ray DeVine requested that Mr. March forward copies of the plans to the Parks and <br />Recreation Committee for their review. <br /> <br />Mr. March questioned whether the timeline for completing the project would be <br />jeopardized by waiting for input from the Parks and Recreation Committee. Mr. Peterson <br />stated that he could issue an addendum for up to five (5) days prior to the bid and did not <br />believe it to be a problem. <br /> <br />2. Surface Water Management Plan Proposal <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson briefly reviewed the Surface Water Management Plan. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg clarified that the City is required to have a Surfuce Water Management <br />Plan that is complimentary to its Comprehensive Plan and. in order to do that, tasks 1 <br />through 6 need to be completed. Mr. March concurred. Mayor Swedberg questioned <br />whether Public Works Staff or Mr. Peterson would perform the other items contained in <br />the report. Mr. Peterson stated that he would develop a checklist and Public Works Staff <br />could complete some of the tasks to reduce expenditures. <br /> <br />Page 6 of12 <br />