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<br />she would also like the City Engineer to address the lighting issues and report <br />back to the Council. Mr. Hoeft noted the lighting within the development was in <br />compliance so future plans would need to address who would pay and for how <br />many additional lights. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard-Vickers explained she would like to be advised by <br />the City Attorney as to when the City is dragging their feet with this development <br />as the applicant has already signed the 60-day waiver. Mr. Hoeft indicated he <br />would keep the Council updated on this item. He noted he felt the numerous <br />violations within Phase 1 would be a legitimate cause to prolong the approval of <br />Phase 2. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg asked if the association bylaws should be discussed at a Council <br />level as this issue moves forward. Mr. Hoeft discouraged the Council from <br />reviewing the bylaws, as it was not a City issue. . <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Broussard-Vickers. seconded by Mavor <br />Swedbere to table this discussion to a future meetiDl!:. AIl in favor. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />Festival Award Presentation - Reception <br /> <br />Council Member Capra indicated the Lifetime Achievement Awards were going <br />to be presented on the main state during the Fete des Lacs. He explained the <br />Lifetime Achievement Committee is requesting no more than $100 for a small <br />reception to be held for the award winners and residents after the presentation. <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Broussard-Vickers. seconded by Mavor <br />Swedbere to approve the no more than $100 request from the Lifetime <br />Achievement Committee for a small reception at the Fete des Lacs Festival as <br />submitted by staff. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />TIF Reporting - Juran & Moody <br /> <br />Mr. March requested the Council authorize Juran & Moody to complete and <br />submit the annual tax increment reports on behalf of the City of Centerville. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Broussard-Vickers. seconded bv Council <br />Member Travis to authorize Juran & Moodv to com{)lete and submit the TIF <br />Reports on behalf of the City of Centerville. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />2001 EDC Obiectives and Goals <br /> <br />Mr. March reviewed the 2001 EDC objectives and goals with the Council. He <br />asked for approval from the Council of these items. <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Capra. seconded by Council Member <br />Broussard-Vickers to approve the 2001 EDC Obiectives and Goals as <br />presented bv staff. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />8 of 11 <br />