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<br />March 28, 2001 <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Mr. DeVine stated that information provided form the 2001 Celebration would assist <br />those who plan for the 2002 Celebration. <br /> <br />Mr. March stated that the Funds that the Mayor had referred to would be an account <br />accessible by Staff to advance funds, up to $35,000, as needed. Funds would not be <br />dedicated to a Celebration account. <br /> <br />Mr. March announced that a carnival had been retained for the Fete des Lacs - City <br />Celebration. <br /> <br />Mr. DeVine thanked Mr. March for his efforts in arranging a carnival and stated that the <br />addition would make a large contribution to the Celebration. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Broussard Vickers. seconded by Council Member <br />Travis to establish a City Celebration fund. to be named by the City Administrator. <br />which authorizes Staff to advance UP to $35.000 for the Fete des Lacs City <br />Celebration. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. DeVine explained he had received an invitation to attend a meeting for cities/events <br />that are hosting a regional or state softball tournament. <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson questioned whether the Fete des Lacs Committee was subject to <br />the open meeting laws. Mr. Hoeft stated that the formal meeting is open to the public and <br />suggested that there not be a quorum of members present for subcommittee meetings. <br />Mr. DeVine indicated that the Committee has limited the subcommittees to two (2) <br />formal members of the larger Committee and is using outside residents to make up the <br />rest of the subcommittee. <br /> <br />4. Anoka County Agreement for Residential Recvcling Program <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Nelson. seconded bv Council Member Broussard <br />Vickers to authorize the acceptance of the Anoka County Aereement for Residential <br />Recycline: Proe:ram. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />5. Sprinl! Lake Park Lion's Charitable Gambling Premise Permit Renewal <br /> <br />Mr. March stated that the Spring Lake Park Lion's have requested renewal of their <br />gambling premise permit to operate at Kelly's Komer. Mr. March explained the City of <br />Centerville receives part of the proceeds and those proceeds are being placed into a fund <br />to be used for either an entrance monument sign or possibly a park shelter building. <br /> <br />Motion bv Council Member Broussard Vickers. seconded by Council Member <br />Nelson to approve the renewal of the charitable eamblinl: oermit for the Sprine: <br />Lake Park Lion's at Kelly's Korner. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />