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2003 CC Minutes
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<br />Centerville City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 26, 2003 <br /> <br />Trail and the dog ran across the street. He then said that, per state statute, the dog falls <br />under the potentially dangerous dog definition and notice was sent. <br /> <br />Ms. Roberta Wirth, 7065 Eagle Trail, said this is ridiculous and not true. She then <br />explained that the dog was provoked. She then said that the officer that came to her <br />house was told that the dog was kicked and he said "I would kick a dog too if it came <br />barking at me." <br /> <br />Ms. Wirth indicated that, per state statutes, when a dog bites when unprovoked it should <br />be declared potentially dangerous but that is not the case as the dog was provoked. She <br />then stated that the couple stopped in front of the house and yelled to the dog while <br />making eye contact with it. She also said that her son saw the man kick the dog. <br /> <br />Ms. Wirth indicated that the person who was bitten lives directly behind her but went the <br />long way home so the individual could not have been too terribly injured. She then <br />commented that this situation has caused a great deal of stress for them as the couple has <br />called her and threatened to take her house and said they were going to put a lien on her <br />house. She also indicated that the woman was given $1,000 by her homeowner's <br />msurance. <br /> <br />Ms. Wirth commented that this has been very stressful as it was during a time when her <br />mother was very ill and her mother passed away last week. <br /> <br />Ms. Wirth provided a picture of her dog indicating the dog is a 9 or 10 pound Jack <br />Russell Terrier who is sweet and gentle and plays with anywhere from 1 to 5 children <br />every day and has never bitten anyone. She also provided information from the AKe <br />website that listed the traits ofthe Jack Russell Terrier. <br /> <br />Ms. Wirth indicated that the letter sent by the police department to notify her was sent <br />certified mail but she did not pick it up as it was not clear who the letter was from and she <br />mistakenly thought it was another real estate solicitation. She then said that when she did <br />attempt to obtain the letter from the post office they had lost it. She further commented <br />that the police threatened to take the dog because she had not been made aware of the <br />requirements because she had not received the letter. <br /> <br />Ms. Wirth indicated she has been fined, the person bitten has received $1,000 from her <br />insurance company and the dog was off her property by 6 inches for 30 seconds. She <br />then said that nothing would have happened had the couple kept walking and not <br />provoked the dog to run into the street to be kicked. <br /> <br />Ms. Wirth indicated she has a 6-foot fence in her back yard and a kennel that would meet <br />the requirements as well as a $300,000 public liability insurance policy. She then said <br />that the dog is normally in the backyard or on a leash and has never bitten anyone and she <br />does not want "Baby" to be given that label as she has been through enough with the <br />lawsuits and threats from the police. <br /> <br />Page 4 of20 <br />
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