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<br />(4) .e.e!'!l!s~~a!l_ ()~ th_e _ ~()l!ncJI_ !ll.u~~ 1:>~ _o_b!ajll~d_ !~ _e~e_c! _tl.!~ ~~~ _uP~ll_ ~r_ ()\l:e! _Qubli~ _ _ - - <br />praperty, and pravided further that the signs shall nat be erected .or pasted far a periad .of mare than 14 <br />days priar ta the date .of the event and must be remaved within three days after the event. <br /> <br />(C) Directional signs. Directianal signs having a surface area nat greater than five square feet. <br /> <br />(D) Memorial signs. Memarial signs .or tablets, .or names .of buildings and date .of erectian when <br />cut inta a masonry surface .or canstructed .of metal, waod .or stane and attached ta the building, nat <br />exceeding a sign surface area .of faur square feet. <br /> <br />(E) Freestanding signs. Freestanding signs far garage sales .or similar events .occurring within the <br />carparate limits .of the city, nat exceeding faur square feet in sign surface area, erected an private <br />praperty with permissiQn .of the landawner, and displayed far nat mare than three cQnsecutive days. <br /> <br />Deleted: Signs pertaining to drives or <br />events of civic. philanthropic, educational <br />or religious organizations. provided p <br /> <br />f.ll.)f~nd()lV _ sjg11!__ J'eJ11J~.o!l!fY _ .o! j>~l1!l~eJ1! 'WJll<!.a.'\'. ~iS!1~ ~l!ly _ a.u!~a!tzle~ 1:>Y _z~Il~ng_ 8!l~ _a_tl.!e~ .> -::. - Deleted:. (F) . <br />laws .of this city, pr.ovided that all the signs an a frantage shall nat have a tQtal sign surface 'Formatted: Bullets and Numbering <br />area greater than 50 percent .of the glass area, excluding daars, an the frantage, and pravided <br />that a minimum .of .one-half .of the .open windaw space must be belaw a horizontal line which <br />is five feet abave the interiar flaar .of the cammercial establishment. Merchandise displays in <br />windaws shall nQt be cansidered a part of the sign area if the display is nat ta be cantinued far <br />a periQd .of more than eight weeks. <br />(G) Sandwich boards. In B-1 and M-I zoning districts. .one sandwich baard sign per business. nat <br />exceeding six square feet per side. shall be allawed. providing it daes nat black a sidewalk <br />and is lacated within 35 feet .of the main entrance ta the business. Sandwich baards shall nat <br />be displayed during haurs that the business is nat .open ta custamers. <br /> <br />(Ord. 39, passed --) <br /> <br />~ 152.17 PORTABLE SIGNS. <br /> <br />(A) Partable signs are prahibited in residential districts. Partable signs in all other districts are <br />allowed with permit as specifically authQrized belaw. <br /> <br />(B) PQrtable signs used far the purpase .of directing the public will be permitted subject to the <br />follQwing conditions: <br /> <br />(1) The sign is caincidental ta .or used in conjunction with a public functiQn; <br /> <br />(2) The sign is used far a special business promotian .or event; <br /> <br />(3) The periad afuse for the sign shall nat exceed 14 cansecutive days; <br /> <br />20 <br />