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<br />f'; HeadingHome <br />~~ t\noka <br /> <br />Be Part of Something 8 I G <br /> <br />A Picture of Homelessness <br /> <br />Homelessness in Minnesota - Statistics <br />The gap between the cost of housing and what people can afford is a major <br />cause of homelessness. <br />· One-third of Minnesota's homeless population site the inability to <br />afford housing cost as the primary reason for leaving previous <br />housing. <br />In 2003, 30% of all adults experiencing homelessness in Minnesota reported <br />income from work, with 13% working full time. <br />· Estimate at least 9,200 people are homeless each night in MN <br />Wilder Research, (2006). <br />· The number of children living in temporary housing grew more than <br />eight times, from 330 on one night in 1987 to 2,803 on one night in <br />2004 <br />Quarterly Shelter Survey, 1985-2004. <br />· 80% of homeless children in Minnesota are 12 years or younger. 43% <br />are 5 years or younger <br />Wilder Research, (2004). <br />· MN Department of Education has reported homeless student <br />enrollment: (2006-2007) 5,139 students <br />Note: if all homeless highly mobile students throughout the state were properly <br />identified and reported, they estimate it would be approximately 10,000 students annually <br />(just in MN). <br /> <br />Homelessness in Anoka County <br />29% of surveyed adults experiencing homelessness in Anoka County are <br />employed. <br />4% of all Anoka County residents and 5% of children under 18 live in <br />poverty . <br />(Information be/ow is based on Anoka County Homeless Count on 1/24/08) <br />· Current number of beds available for individuals/families <br />experiencing homelessness = 244. <br />· Number of people experiencing homelessness as of 1/24/08 was 609. <br />They were living in emergency shelter, on the streets, motel, etc. <br />· 1/24/08: number of homeless adults with children = 134. <br />· 1/24/08: number of homeless children with adults = 191. <br />· Of the 564 people who are homeless, 128 stated they had disabilities. <br />