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<br />CPTED Strat~i es - Pri nee Wi II i am Countv. Vi rqi nia <br /> <br />I. INTRODUCTION <br /> <br />We livewith crime eve-y day. <br />Unfortunately. it has bemme a fact of <br />life DiscusSonson the SJbjoct have <br />tradi ti onall y focuse::J more on arreS: and <br />puni shment than on cri me preventi on <br />mEESJres that cannot be taken unti I afte- <br />a cri me has been oommi tted. Prevelti ng <br />cri me offe-s tranendous savi ngs to <br />eve-yone Traditionally, mmt people <br />thi nk of cri me preventi on in te-ms of <br />target hardeni ng or fortifi cation. The-e <br />are othe- options <br /> <br />Cri me Prevention Through <br />Envi ronmental DeS gn, or CPT ED , is a <br />diffe-elt approach to preventing crime. <br />Much more far-rEEChi ng than dEed-bolt <br />locks on doors, or locks on wi ndows, <br />CPTED pri no pi es are appl i ed easi I Y and <br />inexpensively during thedeSgn phase of <br />devel opment and have been <br />i mpl anented in oommuni ti es across the <br />nation. DeSgn profes.sonals have <br />aI ways i nt~rated into thei r work <br />resi s:anee to natural thrEets SJch as fi re, <br />EErthquakes, floods and harsh wEEthe-. <br />I n rocent YEErS, desi gn profesS onal s <br />have b~un to remgni ze cri me as a man- <br />mcde hazard that can be reS s:oo through <br />quality design. <br /> <br />"The proper design and effective use of <br />the built environment can lead to a <br />reduction in the.fear and incidence (~f <br />crime, and an improvement of the <br />quality 4/(fe. "- CPTED, asdefinoo by <br />the Nati onal Cri me Preventi on I ns:i tute <br /> <br /> <br />Di~laimff <br /> <br />Thi s manual prese1ts a wi de sel octi on of <br />CPTED tochni ques and s:rat~y <br />gui del i nes, as well as oome tradi ti onal <br />cri me prevention methods I n any arEE <br />whe-e suggested gui del i nes oonfl i ct wi th <br />the Uniform State.vide Building Code <br />(USBC), the USBC will bethe <br />prevai ling document. <br /> <br />2 <br />