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<br />CPTED Strat~ies- PrinceWilliam County. Virginia <br /> <br />Inappropriate mai ntenance, sudl as ove-- <br />pruni ng s,rubs, can prevent landscape <br />8 e-nents from achiENing desire:l CPTED <br />Effects. Communication of design intent <br />to mai ntenance ~aff is espe::i all y <br />important for CPTED to be effecti ve. <br /> <br />. Sel ect and i n~a11 appropri ate <br />I and scapi ng that wi II allow <br />unob~ructe:l vi eNS of vul ne-abl e <br />doors and wi ndows from the <br />street and othe- properti es. <br /> <br />NATURAL ACCESS CONTROL <br /> <br />III. CPTED <br />TECHNIQUES <br /> <br />· Urewalkwaysand lands:;aping <br />to dire::t visitors to the prope- <br />entrance and away from private <br />areas. <br /> <br />SINGLE FAM I L Y HOMES <br /> <br />Resi denti aI arEES are the hEErt of a <br />communi ty. Our homes are the calte- of <br />our lives, whe-ewes,ould fee mo~ <br />safe. And, whilewemay have multiple <br />dloi ces whel it comes to wal ki ng <br />through a certai n part of town or us ng <br />public transportation, we have feN <br />dloi ces whel it comes to the ~reEts <br />whe-ewe live. <br /> <br />TERRITORIAL REINFORCEMENT <br /> <br />The gui di ng pri no pi e he-e is," know thy <br />neighbor." StreEts and homes s,ould be <br />designe:l to elcourage i nte-action <br />betWeEn nei ghbors. Good exampl es <br />indudefront porches, sideNalksand <br />property lines that are dEfi ne:l s mpl y by <br />low s,rubbe-y rathe- than high fences. <br /> <br />· Ure front stoops or porches to <br />create a trans ti onal arEE between <br />the ~reet and the home. <br />· DEfine propffty lines and private <br />areas wi th pi anti ngs, pave-nent <br />treatmelts, or fences. <br />· Make the streEt address d earl y <br />vi si bl e from the streEt, (at I EEst 3 <br />inches hi gh and rEfI ecti ve at <br />night). <br /> <br />MAINTENANCE <br /> <br />. Full Y ill umi nate all doorways <br />that Opel to the outs de. <br />. The front door s,ould beat I~ <br />partially visblefrom the~reEt. <br />· I nstall wi ndows on all s des of <br />the houre to provi de for full <br />vi si bi I i ty of the propffty. <br />· Provi de appropri ate ill umi nati on <br />to sdeNalksand all arEESof the <br />yard. <br />· The dri veNay s,oul d be vi s bl e <br />from either the front or back door <br />and at I ~ one wi ndow. <br /> <br />· K ~ trees and shrubs tri mmed <br />back from wi ndows, doors and <br />wal kways. K oop s,rubs tri mme:l <br />to 3 feEt and prune the I owe- <br />branches of trees up to 7 feet to <br />mai ntai n dEEr visibi I ity. <br />· Ureexte-ior lighting at night and <br />keep it in working orde-. <br />· K ~ Ii tte- and trash pi cke:l up <br />and the yard nEEt and free of <br />ite-ns that might attract thEft. <br />The house, garage and ~orage <br />bui I di ngs shoul d be kept in good <br />repair. <br /> <br />NATURAL SURVEILLANCE <br /> <br />4 <br />