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<br />CPT ED Stratooi es - Pri nee Wi II iam Countv. Vi rqi ni a <br /> <br />INSTITUTIONS <br /> <br />Churches, Ii brari es, ochool sand othe- <br />i nsti tuti ons present uni que chal I elges to <br />aimepreveltion. While safEty at these <br />I ocati ons is oftel a hi gh pri ori ty wi thi n a <br />community, feN desire installation of <br />oppressi ve, hi gh-se:uri ty devi ces and <br />programs. The vari a:! hours and vari Ety <br />of patrons and acti vi ti es make good <br />desi gn al I the more important. <br /> <br />NATURAL SURVEILLANCE <br /> <br />. A voi d constructi ng large bl ank <br />walls, which limit visibility and <br />can serve as targEts for graffi ti . <br />U re wall s wi th wi ndows, <br />archi tectural detai I s or fol i age <br />insta:d. <br />· Do not cove- the eltranee <br />wi ndows wi th posters, <br />announcanelts or othe- signage <br />that obstructs vi si bi I i ty. <br /> <br />NATURAL ACCESS CONTROL <br /> <br />· Hi ghl i ght the mai n eltrance in <br />the desi gn. <br />· Keep bus drop-off arEBS, <br />enpl oyee parki ng and vi si tor <br />parking SEparate from S3Ch other <br />and away from busy streEts. <br />. Li mit the numbe- of eltrances <br />and exits, both to the building <br />and parki ng lots. <br />. Requi re that vi si tors pass through <br />a " dlockpoi nt" attelda:! by those <br />in authori ty. <br /> <br />TERRITORIAL REINFORCEMENT <br /> <br />. I nd ude highly visible, <br />archi tectural I y appropri ate <br />si gnage in the desi gn. <br /> <br />. Make sure to d earl y mark the <br />boundari es of the prope1y. <br />. Keep parking lot surfaces in <br />good condition. Clearly mark the <br />parki ng spaces to convey a nEEt <br />and orderl y image <br /> <br /> <br />This library is a good example (?fCPTED <br />with its defined separation fro 111 the <br />a{!jacent apartment complex. its low <br />landscaping. abundance (?fwindows and <br />ample light ing. <br /> <br />MAINTENANCE <br /> <br />· Ure lands:::ape plants that mature <br />wi thi n the avai I abl e space and <br />don't obstruct light fi xtures. <br />· Renovegraffiti within 24 hours <br />of its appEEranee. <br /> <br />MANAGEMENT <br /> <br />· Ensure that al I enpl oyees and <br />vol untee-s are fami liar wi th the <br />senJrity systen to avoid falre <br />al arms. <br /> <br />9 <br />