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<br />CPTED Strat~i es - Pri nce Wi II i am Countv, Vi rqi ni a <br /> <br />OFFICE BUILDINGS <br /> <br />Asoffice buildingsgrow in size and <br />pede:tri an and vel1i de traffi c increases, <br />safety bocomes an extrenely important <br />i SSJe. Regardl ess of the si ze of the <br />structure being built, it can be safe and <br />sa::ure. For instance, all tenants shoul d <br />show photo identification upon 61tering. <br />Metal grillswith letter-sized slits should <br />rover mai I 51 ots. Steel, anti -ram <br />barri ca:les shoul d sa::ure garages and <br />I oadi ng arEES. <br /> <br />NATURAL SURVEillANCE <br /> <br />· Posi ti on re:trooms to be <br />observablefrom nearby offices. <br />· I nstall and U93 Eff ecti ve I i ghti ng <br />at all exterior doors, rommon <br />areas and hallways. <br />· Keep dumpsters vi si bl e and <br />avoi d creati ng bl i nd ~ts or <br />hi di ng pi aces, or pi ace then i n <br />sa::ured rorral s or garages. <br />. Design windows and exterior <br />doors SJ that they are vi si bl e <br />f rom the stroot or by nei ghbori ng <br />bui I di ngs. <br />· I nstall windows into all facades. <br />. PI ace parki ng as to be vi si bl e <br />f rom wi ndows. <br />. Keep shrubbery under 3 feet i n <br />height for visibility. <br />. Prune lower brandles of trees to <br />at I €Est 7 foot of the ground. <br />. Do not obstruct vi eNS from <br />wi ndows. <br />. Design interior windows and <br />doors to provi de vi si bi I i ty into <br />hall ways. <br /> <br />NATURAL ACCESS CONTROL <br /> <br />· CI earl y defi ne publ i c 61trances <br />wi th ardli te::tural el en61ts, <br /> <br />lighting, landscaping, paving or <br />si gns. <br />· Reduce the number of publ i c <br />access poi nts to those that are <br />watched by guards, recepti oni sts, <br />n€Erby tenants or passi ng traffi c. <br /> <br />TERRITORIAL REINFORCEMENT <br /> <br />· DEfi ne peri meters wi th <br />landscapi ng or f61a ng. <br />. Designf61cestomaintain <br />vi si bi I i ty from the stroot. <br />. Diffff61ti ate exteri or pri vate <br />areas from publ i c areas. <br />. Posi ti on sa::uri ty or recepti on <br />areas at the mai n 61trance, if not <br />at all 61trances. <br /> <br /> <br />._-_" '~.."""'::Il <br /> <br /> <br />~..~I-"" <br />~ ... L <br />.'... .t..;;,......~_ <br /> <br />Planters can serve as a good.form <br />(~f Natural Access Control and <br />prevent getting too <br />close to the building. <br /> <br />MAINTENANCE <br /> <br />· Keep all exteri or areas neat and <br />d€En. <br />. M ai ntai n all pi anti ngs. <br /> <br />15 <br />