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<br />CPTED Strategi es - Pri nce Wi II iam County, Vi rgi ni a <br /> <br />VI. CONCLUSION <br /> <br />Cri me Prevention Through <br />Environmental DeSgn guidelines can go <br />a long way in making a oommunity safe. <br /> <br />It is not oonsi dered passi bl e to make a <br />bui I di ng or arEE ai me-proof. The <br />rex::ommendati ons i ncl uda::l in <br />assessments should, however, reduce the <br />probabi I i ty of cri me if the CPT ED <br />strategi es and ooncepts are properl y <br />appl i a::l and mai ntai ned. There may be <br />instances where i nformati on in thi s <br />documerlt oonfli cts with local buildi ng <br />and fi re codes. Consul t a ai me- <br />preverlti on-trai ned pal i ce offi cer or <br />security professional for suitable <br />al ternati ves. <br /> <br />CPT ED can eI i mi nate probl ern areas: <br />the poorl y lighted parki ng lot, the bl i nd <br />al ley, and the publ i c tel €phone stuff ed in <br />the dark oorner. Hopefully, along with <br />thefooing of safay and security that <br />CPTED bri ngs, wi II oome a feel i ng of <br />i ncrEESa::l oocj al responsi bi I i ty. That is <br />the grEEtest cri me-preverlti on techni que <br />of al I. <br /> <br />"ePTED is not the total answer to <br />community problems, but it does provide <br />the community with the means to <br />eliminate or reduce environmental <br />obstacles to social, cultural or <br />managerial control." - Ti mothy 0 I <br />Crowe, Criminologist and CPTED <br />Practi ti oner. <br /> <br />For more information or for a free <br />CPTED Security Assessmerlt or to <br />revieN sitedevelopmerlt plans, <br />oontact: <br /> <br />Pri nce Wi II i am County <br />Pol iceD €partment <br />Spe:;i al Operati ons B urEEU <br />Cri me Preventi on U ni t <br />8900 Frea:lom Center Boul evard <br />Manassas, VA 20110-2220 <br />(703) 792-7270 <br /> <br />A NATIONALLY ACCREDITED LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY <br /> <br />~ <br />K. <br />~ <br /> <br />26 <br />