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<br />Section 3. Section 110.07 (B), (B)(3),(B)(6-8), of the Centerville City Code is hereby amended to read <br />as follows: <br /> <br />(B) Applications. An application for a license must be made on a form provided by the city. <br />Providing false, misleading or inaccurate information as part of this application is a violation of the city <br />code. The application shall contain or be accompanied by the following: <br /> <br />(3) Application for a license shall contain the address and legal description of the property to <br />be used; the names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth of the owner( s), lessee if any, the <br />operator(s) or manager(s), and all employees; the name, address and phone number of two persons who <br />shall be residents of the state and who may be called upon to attest to the applicant's, manager's or <br />operator's character; the names and addresses of all creditors of the applicant, owner, lessee or manager <br />insofar as regarding credit which has been extended for the purposes of constructing, equipping, <br />maintaining, operating, furnishing or acquiring the premises, personal effects, equipment or anything <br />incident to the establishment, maintenance and operation of the business. <br /> <br />(6) The license fee as set forth in the annual fee schedule. <br /> <br />(7) The applicant shall disclose the nature of, and identifying information regarding all prior <br />criminal convictions or pending criminal charges for each person or business named in the application. <br />This disclosure shall also include the disposition of each conviction. Also each person or business <br />named in or as part of this application shall execute a written authorization allowing the City to <br />complete a criminal background investigation. These shall be on form supplied by the City. Any <br />criminal conviction can be considered as part ofthe application process; however, disclosure of certain <br />criminal convictions will result in denial of the application. Those convictions include: <br /> <br />(8) Each person or business named in or as part of this application shall execute a written <br />authorization allowing the city and/or the Chief of Police to verify all information disclosed as part of <br />the application.. <br /> <br />Section 4. Section 110.10 (A)(3), (G)(2-3) of the Centerville City Code is hereby amended to read <br />as follows: <br /> <br />(A) (3) Every application shall disclose the nature of, and identifying information regarding all <br />criminal convictions or pending criminal charges for each person or business named in the application. <br /> <br />(G) Execution of Application <br /> <br />(2) Falsification is a cause for revocation or denial of the license, and is a criminal offense <br />punishable as a misdemeanor. <br />