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2008-10-30 E-Mail Subject: Centerville Resident Questions Use of Grant Dollars by CC
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2008-10-30 E-Mail Subject: Centerville Resident Questions Use of Grant Dollars by CC
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<br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />safe? <br />Originally, the trail was proposed in the 2009 road project along with roadwork on Mill Road but <br />~ was pulled after the council admitted unanimously that the roadwork on Mill Road was being driven <br />by the trail and did not need to be done at this time. Now, they are not able to assess the property <br />owners for the trail so they turned to the grant money. Now I ask you, is it fiscally responsible to <br />spend more than half of the grant money on ONE trail? Mr. Statz, our City Engineer, did an <br />estimate a while back of $250,000 for this trail on Mill Road. I believe he is now doing a feasibility <br />report and I am sure that number will be much higher. If you were to ask the City Engineer the <br />most cost effective way to put this trail in, I would bet he would say you do it when the road needs <br />to be done. Ask him. <br />To me it seems like a waste of the grant dollars that our city worked so hard for to use such a <br />huge chunk of it on ONE trail. I don't know of one person on Mill Road that is in favor of this trail. <br />In fact, there has even been talk of lawyers as this trail will surely decrease our property values. I <br />have asked why we can't just do a sidewalk on Mill Road when the road needs to be done. The <br />response I received by the City Administrator, Dallas Larson, was that the council did not want to <br />wait until the road needs to be done to put in a sidewalk. For some reason the council wants to <br />waste half the grant dollars you awarded us on one trail because they do not want to wait to do it <br />when it makes sense, when the road needs to be done. This is foolish and irresponsible. <br />I would think you would want the grant money you awarded us to be used in the most <br />fiscally responsible manner and what they are proposing is far from it. Wouldn't you agree? <br />Sincerely, <br />Melody Meath <br />7246 Mill Road, Centerville <br />Here is my contact info if you wish to discuss further. <br />651-407-3677 <br /> <br />This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. <br />For more information please visit <br /> <br />10/31/2008 <br />
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