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<br />, DeIebld: _ (B) _ Application, public <br />: hearing and procedure. The application, <br />,: public hearing, notice and procedure <br />" requirements for interim use pennits shall <br />" be the same as those for amendments, as <br />:: provided in 1hid chapter. If a proposed <br />" interim use is not listed as a pennitted <br />" interim use in 1his chapter, a text <br />:: amendment to 1his chapter will be <br />" required before an interim use pennit <br />" may be considered. 11 <br />" 11 <br />,~ - (C) . Termination. AD interim use <br />" pennits shall tenninate on the happening <br />" of any of the following events, whichever <br />:: first occurs: 11 <br />" 11 <br />'I . . (I) _ The date stated on the pennit;lI <br />:; 11 <br />I, <br />" <br />" <br />I, <br />I, <br />II <br />'I <br />'I <br />I, <br />(A) Purpose. It is intended that the interim use permit procedures allow flexibility in the use of :: <br />land or structures in the city, when the uses are not permanent and when the uses meet appropriate :' <br />conditions and performance standards that protect the public health, safety and welfare. ,: <br />" <br />I, <br />~~--------------------------------------------------------------------~I <br />. <B) Authority. The Coun~il may. after review. hearing, and report bv the Plannin[ Commission. I <br />grant a Interim Use Permit authorizing the development of a interim use upon a showing bv the <br />applicant that the standards. criteria and purpose of the district in which the proposed use is to be <br />located. will be satisfied. The standards and criteria shall include both general reQuirements for all <br />conditional uses and. insofar as practicable. requirements specific to each designated interim use. <br /> <br />consideration. The Council shall not grant a conditional use unless it finds that the standards of this <br />Section have been satisfied. Any proposed conditional use which fails to receive the approval of the <br />majority of the members of the Planning Commission voting upon it shall not be approved except by a <br />favorable vote of four-fifths of all of the elected members of the Council. <br /> <br />I <br />" <br />" <br />III <br />III <br />III <br />," <br />III <br />'" <br />III <br />III <br />"I <br />III <br />'I <br />'I <br /> <br />(6) A Conditional Use Permit shall remain in effect only so Jop8_l!S_l!1l9! fl!e_ (:~l!djti~n~ _i/ <br />granted by the Councill!l'~ _o!>~~ry~<!. The Permit is immediately void when a condition is no longer,' <br />observed and may only be renewed after a new application for a Conditional Use Permit has been <br />granted as set forth in this section. The Permit shall run with the land so long as the conditions are <br />observed. Failure of the City to discover the violation of a condition. or failure by the City to act upon a <br />violation of a condition does not constitute a renewal of the Conditional Use Permit or a waiver of the <br />City's right to take enforcement action. <br /> <br />(5) A Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of its <br />approval by the Council, after which the same shall be revoked in the event that any proposed <br />construction, alteration or operation has not been started in accordance with the terms of such permit. <br /> <br />~~ 154.321 THROUGH 154.329 RESERVED FOR FUTURE EXPANSION. <br /> <br />~ 154.330 INTERIM USE PERMITS. <br /> <br />(C) Standards and conditions for interim uses. <br /> <br />(l) A Interim Use Permit may be granted for the following uses only: <br /> <br />(a) Any use specifically listed as a Conditional Use or Interim Use in the regulations <br />applicable to the district in which it is to be located or otherwise stated in this Chapter as a conditional <br />use or interim use; <br /> <br />(b) Any use which is the same or similar. and consistent with. a conditional use specified <br />in the use district. the Planning Commission may consider and allow such use as an interim use; and <br /> <br />128 <br /> <br />Deleted: as <br /> <br />Deleted: agreed upon <br /> <br />DeIebld: , but no1hing in 1his Chapter <br />shall prevent the city from enacting or <br />amending official controls to change the <br />status of conditional uses <br /> <br />Deleted: 11 <br /> <br />(2) Upon violation of the condition <br />under which the pennit was issued; or1\ <br />11 <br />. _ (3) . Upon change in the city's zoning <br />regulations that renders the use <br />nonconforming. 11 <br />11 <br />_ (D) Standards. The interim use must <br />specifically listed in the zoning district <br />where the property is located. The <br />interim use must meet or exceed the <br />performance standards set furth in this <br />chapter and other applicable city <br />ordinances. The interim use must comply <br />with the specific standards for the use <br />identified in 1his chapter and must <br />comply with all conditioos of approval, <br />which sball be included in an interim use <br />pennil agreement. 11 <br />1f <br />_ (E) - Conditions. The city may at1acb <br />conditions to approval of a pennit to <br />mitigate anticipated adverse impacts <br />associated with the use, to ensure <br />compliance with the standanls of <br />approval, to protect the value of other <br />property, and to achieve the goals and <br />objectives of the comprehensive plan.lI <br />11 <br />11 <br />H 154.331 THROUGH 154.349 <br />RESERVED FOR FUTURE <br />EXPANSION.\! <br />11 <br />11 <br />A 154.350 AMENDMENTS.lI <br />11 <br />. (A) _ Amendments to 1his chapter may <br />be initiated by the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission, City Council or by ar::i9f <br />