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<br />(F) Screeninfl reauirements. If the City Council reQuires any type of screening as a condition for <br />a variance or. conditional use. or interim use the applicant shall comply with the followin~ conditions: <br /> <br />(1) File a COpy of the screening plans with the Zoning Administrator: <br /> <br />(2) The screening. plantine: or construction. or both shall be complete within one year from <br />the date of building permit. subiect to extension by the City Council: <br /> <br />(3) The screening shall be maintained after completion: and <br /> <br />(4) A dollar amount of one and one-half times the estimated cost of planting and construction <br />of the screening shall be filed with the city in the form of a cash escrow or letter of credit. The cash <br />escrow or letter of credit amount shall be forfeited to the city if any provisions of this section are <br />violated. <br /> <br />(G) Landscavinfl. A minimum of ten percent of any lot shall be ereen space. Three percent of <br />the surface area of the land within a parking area shall be landscaped with erass and shrubbery or other <br />aj)Proved ground cover. Landscaped areas will continue to be maintained bv the property owner on a <br />continuous basis. Green areas within abutting street rights-of-wav will also be maintained bv the <br />property owner. Additional landscaping regulations are set forth in & 154.116. <br /> <br />(H) Accessorv structures. Garages. accessory structures. screen walls and exposed areas of <br />retaining walls shall be of similar type. quality and apoearance as the principal structure. Accessory <br />structures shall complv with other reQuirements of this chapter. <br /> <br />(I) Permitted encroachments. The following shall not be considered as encroachments on <br />setbacks subject to other conditions within this chapter: off-street l'arking spaces. flues. belt course. <br />leaders. sills. pilaster. lintels. cornices. eaves. gutters. awnings. open terraces. seryice station pump <br />islands. open canopies. steps. chimneys. flagpoles. ornamental features. open fire escapes. sidewalks <br />and fences. except as hereinafter amended. <br /> <br />(n Drivewavs. <br /> <br />(1) No driveway shall be located within 100 feet of any right-of-way line of a street <br />intersection. This distance shall be measured along the property line from the comer right-of-way line. <br /> <br />(2) Access drives onto county roads shall reQuire a review by the City Engineer. <br /> <br />(K) Refuse. <br /> <br />(1) Garbage and rubbish containers shall be placed at the rear of the premises or in a manner <br />as to be out of view from the street. In no event shall containers or their enclosures be placed or <br />maintained in a way to unreasonablv interfere with the use or enjoyment of adjoining oroperty. <br /> <br />86 <br />