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Res. #05-053 - Personnel Policy
City Council
Res. #05-053 - Personnel Policy
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11/14/2005 3:59:35 PM
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<br />Other Benefits: Other benefits, including cash payments chosen by the Employee <br />instead of group health insurance coverage do not have to be maintained during <br />periods of unpaid medical leave. No Employee benefits will be earned by an <br />Employee while on unpaid leave of absence and an Employee will not accrue PTO <br />leave or be paid holiday pay while on leave of absence <br /> <br />9.3 Military Leave <br /> <br />General: Minnesota Statutes, ~ 192.26 - 192.261 provide that an Employee of a <br />municipality who is a member of the National Guard, the Naval Militia, the Officer's <br />Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps, or any other reserve <br />component of the military or naval forces of the United States, is entided to a leave <br />of absence without loss of pay, seniority status, efficiency rating, or benefits for the <br />time such Employee is engaged in training or active service, not exceeding a total of <br />fifteen (15) days in any calendar year. <br /> <br />Conditions: The leave of absence is only in the event the Employee returns to <br />employment immediately upon being relieved from military or naval service, or is <br />prevented from returning by physical or mental disability or other cause not the fault <br />of the Employee, or is required by the proper authority to continue in military or <br />naval service beyond the fifteen (15) day period allowed for the paid leave of <br />absence. <br /> <br />Notice Requirements: Notice will be given to the City at least fifteen (15) working <br />days in advance of the requested leave. Notice may be waived under certain <br />circumstances. <br /> <br />Active Duty: In accordance with State law, the Employee will be granted an unpaid <br />leave of absence when called into active duty. If an Employee has not yet used <br />his/her fifteen (15) days of paid leave when called to active duty, use of any unused <br />paid time will be allowed prior to the unpaid leave of absence. <br /> <br />Benefits: Eligibility for continuation of insurance coverage will be in accordance <br />with the Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 <br />(USERRA). The Employee and dependents have the right to eighteen (18) months <br />of continuation coverage. When the Employee returns to work, the Employee and <br />any dependents may re-enroll in the City's insurance plan without any pre-existing <br />condition limitations or waiting periods that might otherwise apply to a new <br />Employee, whether or not the Employee or their dependents chose to continue <br />coverage during military leave. The leave of absence will not be considered work <br />time for purposes of PTO accrual. <br /> <br />Status upon Return: Returning reservists have the right to return to their jobs or to <br />another job of similar seniority, status, and pay upon completion of active duty in <br />accordance with M.S. 192.261, Subd. 2 and 38 U.S.c. ~ 2021 and 2024. If the <br />Employee chooses not to return to work for the City, federal COBRA and lor <br />Minnesota Continuation laws would apply. <br /> <br />9.4 Jury Duty <br /> <br />Page 19 of 46 <br />Adopted 11-09-2005 <br />
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