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<br /> <br />'!:.slaNi.Jil'/{ 185; <br /> <br />CITY OF CENTERVlu..E <br />MONTH! Y ENGINEERS REPORT <br />For February 11, 2009 City COUncil MeetIng <br /> <br />Italics = New inform8tion. <br />Normal = No change from last report. <br /> <br />1. 21"' Avenue/Backage Road (000616-05143-0). The project is oomplete and final payment has <br />been made. The RCWD Is requiring some additional restoration work before the Contractor is given <br />back their surety. The work will be completed in the Spring of 2009 when the ground Is workable. <br /> <br />2. Old Mill Road Improvements (000616-06147-0). We are in the process of obtaining lien waivers <br />and IC-134's. Once all documents are received we wUl reoommend Project aose Out and AaEptance, <br />The Contractor has contacted the CIty of centelVille to see If a joint check can be prepared for Final <br />Payment because the subcontractors wiD not release their lien waivers until they are paid for the work <br />they oompleted. <br /> <br />3. Oearwater Creek Estates (Hanzal Ploperty) (000616-06154-(0. Reseeding of the corrected <br />mitigation area has been oompleted. A skimmer structure is to be placed at the pond outlet per RCWD <br />requirements. Once the seeding is established and the skimmer structure is installed, we can finalize <br />the project and ask RCWD to release their permit surety. <br /> <br />4. Hidden Spring Park (000616-07155-0). Anal Payment has been made to the Contractor. The <br />only Items remaining are the replacement of the glider bench slats and the monitoring of the p1antings <br />in the rain garden and upper shoreline area next spring. <br /> <br />5. Comprehensive Plan (000616-07157-0). We\oe received romments back from the Met Council <br />and are addressing their minor changes. <br /> <br />6. 2009 Street and utility Improvements (000616-07158-0). The Assessment Hearing was held <br />on January 21". The Oty Council and staff have been reviewing the issues raised by those who <br />formally contested their assessments. <br /> <br />The tentative schedule for the project is as follows: <br /> <br />Consider Rejecting all8kJs and Auth. Re-BId <br />FIling Deadline for Assessment Contestment <br />Receive R~ <br />Consider Award of Re-Bid Projects <br />Construction Begins <br /> <br />Feb. 11, 2009 <br />Feb. 20, 2009 <br />Mard12009 <br />Mar. 25, 2009 <br />Spring 2009 <br /> <br />7. CSAH 14 Constnlc:tlon Ser..ices (000616-07159-0). Construction is 011 hold unl17 spring. <br /> <br />8. Downtown Redevelopment Comprehensive Infnlstruc:ture Plan (000616-07161-0). We <br />continue to provide support to the CIty and the Beard Group as they fonnulate an initial phase for the <br />redevelopment project. Pro-Soun:e Technologies has oompleted soil borings In the downtown area to <br />investigate possible contamination sites and to develop an action plan for dealing with them as the <br />redevelopment occurs. The results of those borings and a draft of the ac:tfon plan will be presented to <br />Council sometime this winter. <br /> <br />9. Creative Kleis Day care SIte (000616-07164-0). The Contractor Is still worklng on some drain tile <br />Items that are betng required by the RCWD that they have to correct. <br />