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<br />~ Metropolitan Council <br />. MeuoM~ngs <br /> <br />weekly calendar of",.etings and ogenda Itemsf01' the Metropolitan Council, lIS advisory and lllanding commi/JuS, and "g/onal Council spanso,.d evenlS. The <br />dropollUul CouIIcIlIs /JJCI1ted at 390 Robert SL N. In _ SL PIIUI. All ",.<llngs 0Te held al thIS location un/ess atherwl3e nomd Meellng times and agendas <br /> <br />are subject to chonge. VISit our webslle al wwwmetrocouncil 0,. (01' me,. information W ~F@EB ~1 OOZ0Tlf708 rem <br />Week of February 9-13,1009 l!I (f; <br /> <br />Mooday, February 9 <br /> <br />Transportation Committee: 4 p.m., Chambers <br />Director MTS Report; By_ <br />Metro Transit General Manager's Report; <br />Approve 2009 T"""'portalion Committee Work Plan; <br />Approval of Regional Dial-a-Ride Service DelivOlJ' Plan; <br />Aolhorize Public Hearing to Consider Elimination of Route 255; <br />2009-2012 TIP Amendment: MuDOT, Include 18 Vehicle Purchases Througb Ibe Section 5310 Program for !be Elderly and Persons with Disabilities; <br />2009-2012 TIP Amendment: MuDOT,lnclude SPl/TRFooI8-09, Continue Promotion Activities for Van.(lo Program; <br />2009-2012 TIP Amendment: MnOOT,lnclude SPl/91-06ll-067, Minneapolis Grant Rounds Misaisaippi Gorge PicnielObsmation Area; <br />Northslar Corridor Comm_ Rail Fares Public Review; <br />Northstar Corridor Co=- Rail Subordinate Punding ^",~.......14u. 10 with MoDOT for East PlatfuJm Interlocking; <br />IoformatioD <br />Hiawatha Light Rail T""",it Projects; (PlatfODDS Extension, American Boulevard, Gnlde Crossing; <br />Nortbstar Commuter Rail Op<<mons & Maintenance QuamrIy Update; and other business. <br /> <br />Tuesday, February 10 <br /> <br />Investment Review Committee: 2:30 p.m.. Lower Level A <br /> <br />Environment Committee: 4 p.m., Chambers <br />City of Farmington 2030 Comprehensive Plan Update, Tier n Comprehensive Sewer Plan; <br />City of Watertown' 2030 Comprebensive Plan Update, Tier D Comprebensive Sewer Plan; <br />Authorization of Renew Qwest Frame Relay Circuits for the Metering & Alann Telemetry System~ <br />Authorizatioo to Negotiate Acquisition of Property for Future Western Scott County Regional Water Reclamation Plant; <br />Adoption of Facility Plan for the Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Facilities Improvements; <br />Aolhorization fot Sole Source Procurement ofDewatered Sludge Pump for Seneca Wastewater Treatment Plant; <br />Informatioo <br />Update on Water Supply Plan; and other business. <br /> <br />WedoesdaYt February 11 <br /> <br />Ceotral Corridor Maoagement Committee: 1 p.m., Chambers <br />New Sraru Update; <br />Budget Update; <br />Streetscape; <br />Construction Packagcs~ and other business. <br /> <br />Managemeat Committee: 2:30 p.m., Lower Level A <br />Authorization to Renew the Metropolitan Coun~il's Property Insurance with FM Global; <br />Authorization to Award a Contract for Telephone Support Services; <br />Information <br />SU111l1W'Y of Procurements for Fourth Quarter and Year~d 2008; <br />Draft of2009 Management Commi_ Work Plan; and olher business. <br /> <br />Metropolita. Co.ocil: 4 p.m., Cbambets <br />Metropolitan Airpcrt Commission Update on Delta Northwest Merger and Arrival of SW Airlines; <br />Suotish Lake Comprebensive Plan Update; <br />Land Use Advisory Committee Recommendation; <br />Authorization to Award and Execute Contract for Grounds Maintenance Services fot Metropolitan Council Environmenta1 Services Facilities; <br />Aolhorization to Pwdlase Polymer for Ibe Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant; <br />2009 Metropolitan Airports Commission Capitallmprovemeot Program; <br />Aolhorization to Approve Contract Ameodmcnt for Cen1ral Corridor Light Rail Transit Final Environmentallmpact Statement Contract; <br />Approval of the 2008 Jobs Access Reverse Commute and New Freedom Solicitation Project Recommendation; <br />Authorization to Execute Grant Agreements with Minnesota Valley Transit Authority for !be Construction oflbe Apple Valley Tl1IDSit Station; <br />City of North Saint Paul 2030 Comprebensive Plan Updale, Tier D Comprebensive Sewer Plan; <br />Twlo Citi.. Housing Update and Economic OuUook; <br />Annual Resident Survey; and other business. <br />