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<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council <br />of Centerville held their regular meeting on Wednesday, <br />December 26, 1984 at City Hall. Mayor L'Allier called the <br />meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Present: Ayers, Baumann, <br />Zimny, Wilharber. <br /> <br />Motion by Ayers, second by Wilharber to approve the minutes <br />of the December 12, 1984 meeting, motion carried. <br /> <br />P~TITIONS AND COMPLAINTS <br /> <br />Appearance of George Haberman, 7288 Mill Road, to discuss <br />letter received from City Attorney referencing sump pump <br />discharging from his property on to the City right of way. <br />Sump pump was installed in 1973 at which time it drained <br />into a ditch along side the Eoad and flowed through a <br />culvert under Mr. Haberman's driveway. When the City put <br />in Mill Road, the ditch and the culvert were removed, thus <br />altering the flow of his discharge water onto the City street. <br />Motion be Wilharber, second by Ayers to further check into <br />the discharge problem at 7288 Mill Road in the spring, re- <br />commending re-establishing the ditch alond the property and <br />culvert under the driveway, motion carried. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />OLD BUSINESS: Presentation by Larry Winner, City Engineer, <br />on the 509 Task Force. Motion by Ayers, second by Wilharber <br />to forward the recommendations made by the City Engineer to <br />the Rice Creek Watershed District , incorporating any comments <br />by Peter Buesseler, our representative to the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District Technical Advisory Committee, as the <br />City's position, motion carried. <br /> <br />Discussion on the letter from the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District referencing the culvert in Clearwater Creek at <br />Peltier Lake Drive. Three alternatives were considered: <br />1. 1. Obtaining easements along Clearwater Creek <br />from property owners adversely affected by <br />the elevated flood levels. <br />2. Add a second, smaller culvert. <br />). Replace existing culvert with a larger one. <br /> <br />Motion by Zimny, second by Ayers to have the City Engineer <br />contact the involved property owners along Clearwater Creek <br />and request their presence at an informational meeting <br />January 2), 1985 at City Hall, to examine the feasibility <br />of obtaining water easements, motion carried. <br /> <br />Motion by Zimny, second by Baumann to adopt the First <br />Amendment to the Joint Powers Fire Agreement in its drafted <br />form, motion carried. <br /> <br />Motion by Ayers, second by Wilharber to approve the 1985 <br />Budget Recap of the Joint Powers Fire Agreement, motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />No Joint Powers Fire Commission Member as yet. <br /> <br />