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<br />Page three - City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 14, 1984 <br /> <br />Motion by Ayers, second by Zimn <br />until the next council meeting, <br />Herdina time to get plans and s <br />council to act on, motion carri <br /> <br />to table the rezoning request <br />November 28, 1984, giving Mr. <br />ecifications together for the <br />d. <br /> <br />Appearance of Larry Winner, rep esenting-,-'. Castle Design and <br />Development Co.,to request tha the City obtain easements along <br />Clearwater Creek in order for hem to get a permit from Rice Creek <br />Watershed for Peltier Lake Hills Addition #2. <br /> <br />Motion by Ayers, second by Bau ann stating the City is willing <br />to assist Castle Design and De elopment Co. in their efforts to obtain <br />easements along Clearwater Cre k provided the financial costs <br />are born by the developer, mot.on carried. <br /> <br />Clerk will set up meeting betw en the cities of Lino Lakes, Circle <br />Pines and Centerville to clari y the first amendment to the <br />Joint Powers Agreement in an e fort to be able to act on it <br />at the next council meeting, N vember 28, 1984. <br /> <br />Clerk will buy two "No Overnig t Parking" signs for city <br />parking lot. <br /> <br />Clerk will have the grading <br />drainage. Will be added to <br />again in the spring. <br /> <br />Clerk will have building inspe <br />Mill Road and 7277 Clearwater <br />letter to Mill Road if necessa <br />to Clearwater Drive. <br /> <br /> <br />Shad checked for proper <br />Action file to be checked <br /> <br />tor check sump drain at 7228 <br />rive. City attorney will send <br />y and City will send next letter <br /> <br />Motion by Baumann, second by A ers to pay current claims, motion <br />carried. Copy of current rece pts and disbursements attached to <br />and made a part of these minut s. <br /> <br />Motion by Ayers, second by Bau ann to adjourn meeting, motion <br />carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. <br /> <br />Re pectfully submitted, <br /> <br /> <br />De ra Gonsior - Clerk <br />