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<br />~ <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council of <br />Centerville held their regular meeting on Wednesday, February <br />22, 1984 in City Hall. Mayor L'Allier called the meeting to <br />order at 7100 PM. Present were: Ayers, Baumann, Wilharber <br />and Zimny. <br /> <br />Correction to February 8, 1984 meeting minutes on paragraph 4 - <br />last sentence is corrected to read: Motion by Ayers, second by <br />Zimny to contribute $400 of the City of Centerville's funding <br />portion of COO funds to Alexandra House, Inc., motion carried". <br />Motion by Baumann, second by Wilharber to approve minutes <br />of February 8, 1984 meeting as corrected, motion carried. <br /> <br />Police Chief Myhre appeared before council for discussion on <br />1984 Police Contract between Lino Lakes and Centerville. Council <br />felt they wanted to go over contract and place on agenda March <br />14, 1984. Motion by Wilharber, second by Ayers to designate <br />the following officers for law enforcement in Centerville: <br />Chief Marvin B. Myhre <br />Sgt. Salvator J. Costa <br />Officer Clifford A. Ross <br />Officer Timothy J. Ross <br />Officer J. David Zerwas <br />Officer Victor Poyer <br />Officer Michael A. Jensen <br />Officer John P. Picha <br />motion carried. <br /> <br />Discussion on the Police Task Force article in the last issue <br />of the Circulating Pines concerning designation of Ken Carpenter <br />on the Task Force. City officials of Centerville did not <br />appoint him and even though the City agrees with choice, they <br />would like to be kept informed on Task Force matters and/or <br />progress. <br /> <br />PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS: Frank Zimny advised council of 4-H <br />project they wished to do in the City Park. Matter is to be <br />referred to Parks and Recreation Committee. <br /> <br />Motion by Zimny, second by Wilharber to contract with Berwald <br />Roofing for city hall roof repair, motion carried. <br /> <br />Discussion on Centerville's share of CDG monies for 1984-86. <br />Motion by Wilharber, second by Baumann to defer our share until <br />1986 and pool our portion with Circle Pines, Lexington, Lino <br />Lakes and Spring Lake Park with the exception of a $400. con- <br />tribution to Alexandra House, motion carried. <br /> <br />Discussion on Easement Purchase Agreements between Al L'Allier <br />and City and Robert Houle and City. Motion by Ayers, second by <br />Baumann to authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign Easement Purchase <br />Agreement between Al L'Allier and City of Centerville contingent <br />on signature of the seller, motion carried. <br />