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<br />------ <br />/ <br />! <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council <br />of Centerville held a public hearing on Thursday, May 2, 1985, <br />in City Hall. Mayor L'Allier called the meeting to order at <br />7105 P.M. Presentl Robischon, Zimny, Wilharber. Ayers <br />arrived at 7115 P.M. <br /> <br />The purpose of the public hearing was to discuss the <br />vacation of that part of the dedicated street easement <br />(also known as 8th Street & Mill Road) located within the <br />plat of Peterson's Addition to Centerville, Anoka County, <br />Minnesota, lying South of the North line of lot lJ, block 1, <br />of said plat of said lot 13 extended Westerly. <br /> <br />Comments were heard froms <br />Russ Almendinger, 1)05 Mound Trail <br />Larry Perron, 1798 Main Street <br />Lee Stevens, Lot. 1), Block 1, Peterson's Addition <br />Peter Buesseler, 7159 Shad Avenue <br />Becky Stevens, Lot 1), Block 1, Peterson's Additia <br /> <br />It was determined there is presently a culvert in the creek <br />at the road easement. <br /> <br />Mr. Almendinger is opposed to the street vacation. He has an <br />easement across the land behind the property lines of Perron <br />and Stevens to allow him to use the street in question. He <br />feels the street vacation would be taking away from him the <br />value of his easement, and he feels the easement has some worth. <br /> <br />The adjoining property owners - Stevens and Perron are in <br />favor of the vacation. <br /> <br />This matter will be discussed at the Planning and Zoning <br />Meeting on May 7th, and will be on the agenda for the May <br />8th Council Meeting. <br /> <br />Clerk will check ~ith the attorney on the City's liability <br />with regard to Mr. Almendinger's easement. <br /> <br />Motion by Wilharber, second by Zimny to close the public <br />hearing, motion carried. <br /> <br />Hearing adjourned at 7140 P.M. <br /> <br />Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br />Ch)~~ 3:J~/~ <br /> <br />Debra Gonsior <br />Clerk <br /> <br />\~ <br />