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<br />/ <br />I <br /> <br />Page two - City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 10, 1985 <br /> <br />the Rice Creek Watershed District, City Attorney, and City <br />Engineer, to propose a meeting on August 12, at 7100 P.M. <br />for the purpose of discussing the Peltier Lake Drive culvert <br />crossing, motion carried unanimously. The location of the <br />meeting could be at the City Hall in Centerville or at their <br />City Hall - at the Rice Creek Watershed's option. <br /> <br />Softball Committee met with Debbie Dykema. She will give <br />the City a set of written regulations for the record. <br /> <br />Motion by Robischon, second by Wilharber to approve the <br />contract with Lake Sanitation, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />In a recent poll of the residents of Centerville, Lake Sanitation <br />received a 45% positive response in favor of a recycling <br />program. Mike Ayers will be working with Mary Ayde to set <br />up such program and allow us to get grant monies that may <br />be available. <br /> <br />Motion by Ayers, second by Zimny to approve the continuance <br />of the MCl special use permit, motion carried unanimously. <br />This permit will be reviewed again in 6 months. <br /> <br />Clerk will contact the Anoka County Health Department to see <br />what steps have been taken to check into the barrels at <br />6805 - 20th Avenue South. <br /> <br />Ed Adams has applied~jor a building permit for a fence around <br />his volleyball courti and has turned his volleyball court <br />to move it away from residents property. He will be allowed <br />to continue playing p~iQr to p~ttang up the fence, providing <br />there are no more pro.blems with the neighbors. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESSI <br />Motion by Ayers, second by Robischon to approve the beer <br />permit for the July 21, 1985 Lion's Club Steak Fry, motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Employee review is set for July 24, 1985 at 61Jo P.M. <br /> <br />Motion by Wilharber, second by Zimny to have the Clerk <br />contact the building inspector and the City Fire Marshall <br />to check into the empty gas tanks at the garage at <br />1724 Main Street, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Motion by Wilharber, second by Ayers to check with Anoka <br />County to see if the legal description in Milner W. Carley's <br />letter of July 8, 1985 is correct and conveys the council's <br />intent of the minutes of April 2, 198J, motion carried unanimously. <br />Clerk will put this matter on the July 24th agenda. <br /> <br />Motion by Ayers, second by Wilharber to approve Mac McLinden, <br />a representative of General Fire & Safety Co., to do the <br />fire equipment valuation pu~suant to Circle Pines request <br />at no expense to the City of Centerville, motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />~ <br />