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<br />SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS <br />FOR AVOIDING AND MINIMIZING IMPACTS <br />TO BLANDING'S TURTLE POPULATIONS <br />(see Blanding's Turtle Fact Sheet for fUll recommendations) <br /> <br />. This flyer should be given to all contractors working in the area. Homeowners should <br />also be informed of the presence of Blanding's turtles in the area. <br />. Turtles that are in imminent danger should be moved, by hand, out of harms way. <br />Turtles that are not in imminent danger should be left undisturbed to continue their <br />travel among wetlands and/or nest sites. <br />. If a Blanding's turtle nests in your yard, do not disturb the nest and do not allow pets <br />near the nest. <br />. Silt fencing should be set up to keep turtles out of construction areas. It is critical that <br />silt fencing be removed after the area has been revegetated. <br />. Small, vegetated temporary wetlands should not be dredged, deepened, or filled. <br />. All wetlands should be protected from pollution; use offertilizers and pesticides <br />should be avoided, and run-off from lawns and streets should be controlled. Erosion <br />should be prevented to keep sediment from reaching wetlands and lakes. <br />. Roads should be kept to minimum standards on widths and lanes. <br />. Roads should be ditched, not curbed or below grade. If curbs must be used, 4" high <br />curbs at a 3:1 slope are preferred. <br />. Culverts under roads crossing wetland areas, between wetland areas, or between <br />wetland and nesting areas should be at least 36 in. diameter and flat-bottomed or <br />elliptical. <br />. Culverts under roads crossing streams should be oversized (at least twice as wide as <br />the normal width of open water) and flat-bottomed or elliptical. <br />. Utility access and maintenance roads should be kept to a minimum. <br />. Because trenches can trap turtles, trenches should be checked for turtles prior to being <br />backfilled and the sites should be returned to original grade. <br />. Terrain should be left with as much natural contour as possible. <br />. Graded areas should be revegetated with native grasses and forbs. <br />. Vegetation management in infrequently mowed areas -- such as in ditches, along <br />utility access roads, and under power lines -- should be done mechanically (chemicals <br />should not be used). Work should occur fall through spring (after October 1 Sl and <br />before June 1 st). <br /> <br />Compiled by the Minnl!sotu Departmellt a/Natura! Resources Division afEcological Resources, Updated March 2008 <br />Endangered Species El1l'irol1l11enfaj Rel'ieH" Coordinator, 500 L(!!c1.lY'fle Rd, Box 25, Sf. Paul, M}/ 55155 /65' -259-5] 09 <br />