Laserfiche WebLink
<br />r-- -- <br /> <br />a~', <br />~' <br /> <br />"~'li'"",,~;p~~ <br /> <br />lVLinnesot<l Department of Public Safety <br /> <br />Al.conoi and Gambiing EnfuIT~ment <br />444 Cedar Street, Suite 133 <br />St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 <br />65\-296-6979' TTY 651-282-6555 > Fax 651-297-5259 <br /> <br /> <br />RENEWAL OlF UQUOR, WINE, OR CLUB LICENSE <br /> <br />__ c..',..', .. .- '.. "...,' ,.... ", ,._-.... ...,.................. .0" ","0.0.. "", .. ',.0...... ...... _""::"',': _,',',>.' <br />-N?}i(;;pro~ddor:re19j~e4,uritiiJ~e' $20..R~tailer;ID.-~ar~fee-i~~~~~\I:~~:}j)i;:_M~,,~iq'u6p;C,9riii:bi': <br /> <br />Ucensel2: Pleabe verify your license information contained below. Make corrections if necessary and sign. City <br />ClerklCOlmtyAuditor shQuld submit this signed renewal with completed license and licensee liquor liability for the new <br />license peliod, City ClerfrtiCounty Auditor are ansa required by lVtS. 340AA04 S, 3 to report any licfose <br />cancellatioll1, <br /> <br />License Code OF SL <br />City/County where license approved <br /> <br />License Period Encling 12/31../2001 ID# <br /> <br />2439 <br /> <br />C2ntf'::,~,.) i 21 e <br /> <br />Licensee Name S,:iHaiN[-( I lie, <br /> <br />Trade Name Saget" ',; LlqUQ <br /> <br />Licen'sed Location address <br /> <br />7093 20th <br /> <br />.-, <br />HV,? <br /> <br />co <br />~' <br /> <br />City, State, Zip Code <br /> <br />C2nt2r'vi 112? jVIN 5:5()3,~. <br /> <br />Business Phone (1;51) 425-6E.,7L~ <br /> <br />LICENSE FEES: Olf SaLeS <br /> <br />100,00 <br /> <br />On Sale $ <br /> <br />Sunday $ <br /> <br />By signing this rell<ewa~ appHcat]QU], applurnnt 'i:'l:j)'t:ifi;es that U.I1eln.~ has beif:n i]O in. oWII1lership on. the above <br />J]amerl~j.c~n:see. lP'{H' change.:; jn 'Jlwne,rs},I]!p1 lhrc HC1;H.,seil': named ab~ve. m- fm' JJ.ew iicelfisi;CS, fun 3.ppikatimllS should <br />he used. See back ,1]1' thjs applic.~.ritlon fDil Xl!.IIrdl;er informatnon needed to c~;mp~ete this renewnl. <br /> <br />A,piOlk"-l:ililt's s~Qnatl!!.fefO!11 Uds reJrn{.'w,<lj ,i~lmfirm8 Ij;Jlle fnU!1'>WRll,!: 1F'aHulrlCtJ, f,enm-t ~nv of th~ fn~lo'Wh]l't wm iifSlllt in fines. <br /> <br />1. Licensee confirms it has no interest whatsoever, direcIly or indirectly in any other liquor establishments in <br />Minnesota. If ~O, give details on back of ihis application. <br />2. Licensee confilms that it bas never bad a liquor License rejected by any city/township/county in the stilte of <br />Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details 011 the back of this renewal, tllen sign below. <br />3. Liccl1$ee .:,:onfirms thLlt tor the past tlve ye~l[.'). it has not l1au a liquor license revoked for any Equor law violation <br />(state or loed). If a revoc:.ltion bas oecuned, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. <br />4. Licen:,;ee -';vufiri:ils H1~lt duting the P;):"t five ye~u's it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal <br />liquor LaVi/ violation.s. If violations bave occulTcd, please give details on back ot tbis renewal., th..::n 3ign belo',V <br />S. LLcensee confirms that dLlring the past liCEnse yeur, :} sumITIons h:J.S not been issued under the Liquor Liability <br />Law (Drum Shop) MS 340A.302. If yes, .uttach a copy of the summons, then sign below. <br />6. Ucensee confirms that 'Workers CompeJ1s~Hion insurance is in effect for the fnillitense period. <br /> <br />U<c~n5,;e :w.s aUachcd .a l]quo.r ~j.:..lbni;[y 2nSU,fllua:l: i:~rHnlC~Jite that {:nli"rc~ponds with the Ric'~nse pcdndlliL dty/county <br />wh~re ~k~1!se is issued. :B1D010UO in. cash i[lI!" setlJ.rit.ies ~~r :SlHO~aOO suret)' b'0ud may he submitted 1n Hen of liquor <br />liability. / ,1 <br />A /I.V' <br />. S,- j i...J <br />Licensee 19O11ture l/.: ,;1.";;/". ~/;__;':'/;~I <br />(Signature certifies <.\11 ~b;ve in~rmatiO-n'1{Q be cnrr~st ;mrl license has been approved by city/county.) <br />f ,) <br />. " <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />././ <br /> <br />,Co" <br />/,i <br /> <br />/'.1 <br />"-.:" <br /> <br />City Clerk/County Auditor Signature <br />(Signature certifies that renewal Ol a [iqunr, wine <br /> <br />Date <br />Dr ciub iic~nse Iw.s been approved by the (..:itY!cQunly ~'lS :.;[nted above. <br /> <br />County Attorney Signature Date <br />County Beard issued tl(~~eT;---;:)nly (S~1I;lkce:'tiHe'::;[\CZ:'1See~"eiig-ible cor li~l'rssJ~/ j <br /> <br />t:Joi;ce/Sl1eliif s;gn~t"~::~){~"2- /0,ae;,/f{- C,:-,:~.~,t:;i.I;i:'Z. ,;.Z::) ,,~-::~?t;/:L-_--".---'-Qate / -=..../<1 "':"i.--/lrj',/ <br /> <br />(Signatme cenifi'.':s \t~nsc"C or a~isGdales have not been cited during d~iZ/i1ast t1ve vears for ,Jny--:~Eltejlocall{qul)r J~lW violations <br />(criminailci.yil), RC9ort'~~ToTi:'ltlo;;s on back, then sign aere. '--/- <br /> <br />PS 9093-91\ <br />