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<br /> <br />Anoka County <br />Department of Parks & Recreation <br /> <br />John K. VonDeLinde <br />Director <br /> <br />550 Bunker Lake Boulevard NW . Andover. Minnesota 55304 <br />Telephone).6.f2) 757-3920 . FAX (612) 755-0230 <br />7G.3 <br /> <br />May 4, 1999 <br /> <br />Wayne LeBlanc <br />Peltier Lake Association <br />1677 Peltier Lake Drive <br />Centerville, Minnesota 55038 <br /> <br />Dear Wayne: <br /> <br />Thank you for setting up the meeting with the Peltier Lake Association April 27. The turnout <br />was exceptional. Everyone's comments were heard and they provided valuable background on <br />the use of the lake and the history behind the development of the lakeshore. There is obvious <br />passion for the lake and a strong desire to keep a sense of community. <br /> <br />Anoka County Parks and Recreation appreciates being a part of the meeting. As everyone is <br />aware, Anoka County is a major landowner along Peltier Lake. We would also be glad to be a <br />part of any future meetings. The St. Paul Waterworks is also a landowner on the lake. <br />Everyone connected to the lake has an interest in issues that apply. <br /> <br />This note is meant to provide a review of the decisions made at the April 27 meeting. The <br />consensus was to try the following options: <br /> <br />1. Voluntarily keep any water skiing to the main body of the lake south of the <br />island. There was agreement to avoid skiing in the area north of the island. <br />The request is to keep fast moving boats at least 500 feet from the island. <br /> <br />2. Anoka County Parks and Recreation will work with the water skiing sub- <br />committee to educate the general public in regards to the valuable natural <br />resource the northern third of the lake provides and the importance of limiting <br />any fast-moving water activity in that area. Initially, signs will be placed at the <br />public access to inform and educate. Signs will also be placed on the island <br />shoreline declaring the area as a bird sanctuary. <br /> <br />3. Mayor Kim Sullivan, of Uno Lakes, will approach the sea plane operation in order <br />to educate the business about the heron rookery and the need to avoid the <br />area from a safety perspective for both the planes and the birds. <br /> <br />Affirmative Action I Equal Opportunity Employer <br />