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<br />documented procedures and the training other available staff. An accounting policy <br />manual would be a good training tool. It doesn't need to be elaborate but <br />should address the basics that come up each day. It could include a current <br />chart of accounts and a description of each fund and cash receipt, <br />disbursement, petty cash, manual checks, reporting, reconciling, investing <br />and utility billing procedures. I think some of the basics are being missed <br />in day to day processing because of Teresa trying to do two jobs. <br /> <br />Fourth, reporting. You have a council that wants frequent reports. Other councils I know <br />don't. Good reporting will be a product of doing the <br />first three items well. I would be happy to come to a worksession to discuss <br />what is offered through the system and the council's reporting needs. We <br />can layout what is easy to create on a monthly basis, if it meets what they're looking for <br />and then how we assure that it is right. <br /> <br />I know these answers are fairly simplistic and there is a lot more detail <br />underneath each but it is a starting point. We have been engaged by two of <br />our clients to assist in writing accounting procedures this year and that may <br />be a consideration by council. We know your accounting system well enough <br />that it would be a logical fit. The bottom line is that the Mayor is not too <br />far off base with most ofhis points and there are weaknesses that need <br />correction. I will be glad to help with anything needed. <br /> <br />Steve McDonald <br />Abdo, Eick and Meyers, LLP <br />7241 Ohms Lane, Suite #200 <br />Edina, MN 55439 <br />p (952)835-9090 <br />f(952)835-3261 <br />