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<br />BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK <br /> <br />J fI J Bonestroo <br />~ Rosene <br />"I\M Anderllk & <br />1 ~, AssocIates <br />Engineers & Ar,hite't. <br /> <br />September 26, 2001 <br /> <br />City 01 Centervllle <br />1880 Main Street <br />Centervllle, MN 55038 <br /> <br />Artn: Mr. Paul Palzer <br /> <br />if 6516361311 02/20/02 14:25 B :02/04 NO:195 <br /> <br />E1'111rll:'stfOQ, Il'QunC', Afldl:rllll .lInel ^I"IHI".~I. In;, is,," "'WIrI",I". AI;IJDn/ll':ql.ijfj Opporumlty Impro~ef I <br />....d .cmf'IIllI~~ QW"otd I <br />I'rlnC'pi.ilJ,: Ono G, Bun"irfl~", ~t. . M.""w\ L. Sj~r ~.JI.I. PF . ,jj""M ~ l:nn., ~~ . ItQDlIrl co. Sf."lJ"i~nl, P.I:. . ' <br />Jwu)' A. Ol.!WUuf\. j~C. i <br />.s~~f Corm",.n,,: I'i'tlD':'H W Ill"isti/1tJ'. rol, I .,iC~W~.1T C. AIIUlt./Ok. r:1I.' F. Turner. Pl::.' SUt~(J M. . 'tI~rlin CP./I" <br />AU4cJII'e Prlnclp"'l$ll(lilfh A Qo,olQfI. P.f. I/?!Jl:llllli:. Plt"Hr'rlrl, I'.~ . ~f(I1,lrCl W ~oln:r. f::t.' O.....I~ Q. I at~t .1'1:.. <br />MoIrW ~ H;\n$:lI';, II~,. Mlc1'!.Ili'r T. R...tlllMlIl, P:E.. 1...~ 1<. ~il"ll P:1i . X"n"'l"ltl" AI'I'l1I.'rlon. "1':.' M.!l!'~ It Rgl~I_1'! " <br />O~II\G .'l" 'clOI'\01t~r.,~. M,B ^, . 'Slt1tl.;,' r Wi>>I"I1~~I1, P.t,. Lt. "'1""1 M. ~i"'l, Iv! ~,. . IIU,'I'I RI'~ S'MliiJl. III _ I <br />r/'lnm~ IJIIIClr(!'~C'''''. IIf.. )JlI~liH,t M....Mld, Pl:. . Millll'\ Q, )1O"ltln, fl~, . I., i"nlnlfl ("'11'/t</ Ill, fl.!!' . DJI,'Ii,,' J. 1i,:l9..~rrn. PE, . <br />1:'IT""I!'I\4,'rr<<n~t. 1'1: . JnOmOiJ A 5VHO. ~~" S.MI~u.i'i J .illt\l\\l.III<< O,\ltf A. ('"l'~, P.f,. 'll"1flmils A, R'c~h4(, P.f <br />It/:lh~'rt ,I, 1,>t'\If!Ij'. ,,~, <br />om(Q~~ 51, JIIllvt !il, Clo)..~, ,7..ahil~U't ...wJ \IJ\lImm, MN ' I'o\II\Hl"iU\I.\,I'. WI . VlIeeoo, Il.. <br />Wlb~llfl \)/"Ww.~On/!~tICO,~(.mt <br /> <br />Re: Comprehensive Water Plan Update <br />Dear Paul: <br /> <br />As requested, we have put together a work plan to update the 1997 Comprehensive Water Plan, <br />The City 01 Centervllle has experienced substantial growth, resulting In increased water demand, <br />This has necessitated an update of the 1997 Comprehensive Water Plan, <br /> <br />Several issues need to be analyzed as a minimum requirement ot this plan. <br /> <br />Growth: The basic purpose of the Water Plan Update is to provide a guide to orderly expansion of <br />the trunk water system to handle the projected growth of the City. The Basic Work Plan for this stud~ <br />will determine 2020 and ultimate trunk water system improvements needed to serve Centerville. . <br /> <br />Water Storaga: Additional water storage is required to meet the City's peak hour Ullage and fire flO~ <br />requirements. The joint powers agreement with L1no Lakes stipulates that Centervllle' have a new ' <br />water tower on line In less than 8 years. New water tower design and construction takes almost 24 <br />months. This study will determine the optimal size and location of the storage taclllty. <br /> <br />Flnentlng of Propoaed.lmprovement,: Another fundamental question the study must answer is <br />"HOw mu~11 will the recommended improvements oost?" The study will contain cost estimates and a <br />Capital Improvement Plan lor all recommended Improvements. Also, the study will provide a cost <br />recovery analysis based on the ultimate trunk water system. <br /> <br />Please call me at (651) 804.4888, or Mark Wallis at (651) 604.484.2 to discuss further. <br />Sincerely. <br /> <br />BONESTROO, ROSEN ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES. INC. <br /> <br />-; ~~.')_.- ,..., <br />Thomas W. Peterson <br /> <br />00: Mark Wallis, 6onestroo <br /> <br />2335 \ICIest Highway 36 . St. Paul, MN 55113' 651-636"4600' Fax~ 651'63~.-t311 <br />