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<br />,-----~ <br /> <br />BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK <br /> <br />02/20/02 14:25 [)I :04/04 NO:195 <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />The elP will be prepared for the trunk waler system in one-year increments through 2007, in five. I' <br />year increments through 2020. and will consider remaining Improvements to be post-2020, I <br /> <br />The CIP will be based on the best available projections from the City for population, land use, and I <br />water l.lSe, Additionally, Ihe elF' will be linked to benchmark events to allow Centerviile to update the' <br />CIP easily. I"or example, wells and water towers will be tied to water use thresholds. Distribution I <br />system imprOllements will be linked 10 fulure development or to coincide with street reconstruction : <br />projects, <br /> <br />W 6516361311 <br /> <br />City of Cont.rville <br /> <br />October 26. 2001 <br /> 3 <br /> <br />Talk 7: Economic Analysis <br />The operation 01 a water utility must have a sound financial basis. Detailed cost estimates for all of . <br />the proposed trunk water system facilities will be prepared and presented in the report, An estimate I <br />of the land required for wells and water towers will be provided so that an estimated cost (or land ! <br />acquisition can be includlld in the cost o( each facility. The City will provide land costs. These costs I <br />will be included in the CIP described above. <br /> <br />Based on the overall cost of the ultimate water system, a fair and equitable manner of reVenue <br />generation will be developed using area and connection charges to pay for the trunk water system. <br />We will review the City's exiSting Charge system and make recommendation for Improvements. <br /> <br />Task 8: Report and Presentation <br />This \ask represents the culmination of the planning effort. A Comprehensive Water Plan Serves a <br />number of purposes, and is read by a variety of individuals, The Information must be presented so , <br />that a non-technical audience can easily understand It. At the same time. it must provide sufficient ' <br />detailed data to ensure that the cllY staff can use the study in their daily activities and easily update <br />the studY as conditions chanQe. I <br /> <br />The Bonestroo report wili include graphics and figures to clarify items discussed in the report~ The . <br />information in the report will be organized for ease of accass by various audiences. A clear, concise I <br />Executive Summary and Recommendations section wiJl assist the City Council and the city staff to <br />review this document. Technical Information will generally be placed in an appendix. <br /> <br />This work consists of the following subtaaks: <br /> <br />. Draft Report for Staff Review: For several of the major tasks described above, technical I <br />memoranda wiii be prepared and submitted to Centervllle for review, Because the results of <br />one taSk can affect others, technical memoranda on each task will be prepared as tl'le taSK Is <br />completed. <br /> <br />A draft report ror the entire study, Including all applicable maps, figures, and appendices will <br />be complied and presented to city staff for review. <br /> <br />. Final Report: Following review by city staff, a final report will be prepared and 25 copies <br />submitted to Centerville. Key team members will present a summary of the report to the City <br />Council <br /> <br />CompensatIon and Schedule <br />We propose to complete the Basic Work Plan for a lump sum of $14,800~ The Basic Work Plan can <br />be completed within four months of the notice to proceed. <br />