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<br />5 Amended: <br />4 Amended: 2/19/02 <br />3 Amended: 9/4/01 <br />2 Al11~ndcd: 6/27/01 <br />J Amended: 1/10/01 <br />EtTcctive 9/5/00 <br />CiLy ofCcnterville Ord. #4 <br /> <br />SeetiOfl 295 929: Resl3sAsibility sf the BtlildiFlg IFlspeetsr. TAe I3tlileiFl~~R8I3e8t8r 131'11311 be gi','efl tMe <br />BtJtRspity aAa feSf.}OflSiailitj' ts 8nferas all af the <br /> <br />Flf€l'/isit9~8 sf tRia efaiAsAee BRa sRalt <br /> <br />^ <br />, \0 <br /> <br />C~f€lfBe tl:ls reqt:.liremeAts af tRis Or8iRa~8s ~f DLJilail9g SMa 066upaRS)' refmits elRa <br />t8s~e Sf eiSI9)' eaeA a~f)1i8atieA iA 888sraarH3e v. itf] t19s Flfer;isisR8 sf tRis OraiA8R6s. <br /> <br />0, <br /> <br />CeAauet iflopesti6RS Elf 6tJileliAg)6 BRa iRe use of laAa to aetermiAe BOFfljaliaASe '.v+th <br />*At terms of tRis OraiM8F'18El. <br /> <br />C. <br /> <br />rv1al(j~ regOFflffi8AsatiaflS ts tRe CSl;1R6H €lR tRe iRstih:Jtiar1 af 8FltJF6Flriate 8sti€lAS sr <br />~f6See€jjRg8 fer 6AfsreemeAi af iRis OretiFl6ASS €lA ,^,rn6ASPl ,eRts, BRa 619 Sr-l)' €lU~er <br />A98tters relatiFl~ ts tAe eAforeemeflt af tRia Or€HI98R6S. <br /> <br />D. <br /> <br />EAfereement Remedies. If') sase 8AY BuilaiAg, sirl:;lst~re, er laRa is, er is ~rl5~68s.a <br />to be ereeteet, €H3f-\8in~Bt6a, re86AstFl:lste8, altere€l, eSA';eFtes, f'flaiAtaiReel ar !class iR <br />\4slatisA af tRia OreiiFl8RBs, tRe City CSl:JABil, iF! 8s€litisA te eit1er rSFAeaies, may <br />iflstitElte iA tRe Rams af CeRts.Pt'ille aA)' al3J3fe~riat6 a6tisFI Sf I3resee€liFl~8 is fjrs';eAt, <br />restraif-l, Berfes! Of aBate sueR t~H:i#8iR~ 8tl'~6tt:1re Sf IBAa, Sf t6 f3rs';sAt, i19 <br /> <br />er aasElt StieR FJremis8s, 8A)' 8St, 68f-\8tJSt, ~tJ!5iRe8s sr use S6f')8titl:ltiA~ a ',:ialatisA.4 <br /> <br />Division 210: Fees and Licensinq <br /> <br />Fees and licensing provisions, affecting the administration and enforcement of this Ordinance, shall be <br />established by resolution of the City Council. The City does require payment for its legal, planning and <br />engineering expenses, resuiting from the review of proposed actions in the City. The City Council may <br />require full payment of fees and out of pocket expenses incurred in the review of proposed actions prior to <br />taking final action. <br /> <br />Division 215: Effective Date <br /> <br />The effective date of this Ordinance shall be after its passage and publication according to iaw. <br /> <br />Adopted by the Centerville City Council this 23rd, day of August, 2000. <br /> <br />'1ayor Tim Swedberg <br /> <br />City Clerk <br /> <br />Page 68 of 69 <br />