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<br />Mr. Rawlings commented that he could almost guarantee that Ojibway Drive would not <br />be a new road when the project is done. <br /> <br />Mr. Quigley indicated he has done everything he can do to cooperate and noted the <br />grading plan showed the trees to be cleared and those to be left. He then commented that <br />more trees were left than originally planned in an effort to accommodate the association. <br />He further explained that the trailway is not an option as it crosses private property and <br />said he has provided a letter guaranteeing that he will return Ojibway Drive to the same <br />condition it is currently in. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg asked that the matter not be turned into a debate. <br /> <br />Al Peterson of 7065 Dupre Road said he did not appreciate being lied to because the <br />minutes said that any trees suitable for transplanting would be transplanted. He then <br />commented that there was more than one kind of tree on the site. He further commented <br />that the site was scraped to the ground and that is not what the association was told. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra asked Mr. Rawlings and Mr. Quigley if there was a signed <br />agreement with regard to the road. Mr. Quigley indicated he had signed a letter that <br />agreed to maintain the condition of the road. Mr. Rawlings said he had an unsigned <br />copy. Mr. Quigley handed him a signed copy of the letter. <br /> <br />Jerry Albrecht of7071 Dupre Road asked Mr. Quigley what happened to the landscape <br />person who was to come and see where the trees could be planted. <br /> <br />Mr. Quigley indicated that the person was there and noted that it is not within this <br />development it is on the existing Eagle Pass. He then noted that the trees were not able to <br />be planted this past fall but would be planted as soon as the weather allowed. <br /> <br />Lori Peterson of 7065 Dupre Road told Council she cried for about 15 minutes looking at <br />the destruction that she did not believe was going to happen. She then asked how it <br />happened before there was a signed agreement. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers explained that a property owner could cut down trees <br />on their property any time they want to. <br /> <br />Ms. Peterson commented that the City makes it necessary to plant a tree but the owner <br />can cut down the tree at will. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg explained that the City has no tree removal or harvest ordinance. <br /> <br />Ms. Peterson indicated that she felt that it was a shame that the City did not regulate tree <br />removal and then accused Mr. Quigley oflying. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg asked Ms. Peterson to refrain from inflammatory comments and <br />indicated that, if she did not, her comments would not be heard. <br /> <br />Page 18 of28 <br />