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<br />. <br />" ;- <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. LeBlanc showed an image depicting the ski track on the lake and pointed out the <br />damage to the plants. <br /> <br />Mr. LeBlanc indicated the herons were back in 2001 and seemed to be doing okay when <br />some activity began causing the birds to leave. He then commented that the Lake <br />Association would like the no wake zone at the bog poles but most people agree with the <br />line 200 feet south of the island. <br /> <br />Mr. LeBlanc indicated he felt the aquatic plants should make this a permanent ordinance <br />in order to avoid losing the herons and to avoid the risk of damage to the filter for the <br />lake as well as to preserve wildlife and rare plants. <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson asked where Mr. LeBlanc would like the no wake line to be <br />located. Mr. LeBlanc indicated he would like the no wake line to be located 200 feet <br />south of the island. <br /> <br />Ms. Liz Wegner, 1525 Peltier Lake Drive, addressed Council and indicated that she and <br />her husband feel a no wake zone north of the bog poles should be approved. She then <br />commented that several of the experts' opinions had commented that the area north ofthe <br />island is in need of protection and a no wake line at the bog poles would do that. <br /> <br />Ms. Wegner indicated that she, Mr. Perry and Ms. Galli had reached an agreement after <br />the meeting that the bog poles would be a good location and Ms. Galli had called her the <br />following morning to indicate she had changed her mind. She then commented that she <br />would like to see the island returned to what it was when the herons were nesting there <br />and posting signs on the bog poles would be more natural than using buoys to designate <br />the no wake area. <br /> <br />Mr. Glen Fox, 7124 Progress Road, indicated he uses the lakes for fishing, canoeing, and <br />nature viewing. He then commented he had done a search on the intcrnet on nest <br />abandonment and after reviewing several of the sites determined the main impact was <br />human encroachment into the nesting area. He then clarified that the nest abandonment <br />research was not specific to herons and egrets. <br /> <br />Mr. Fox indicated that the herons and egrets use the lake as a feeding area as well as <br />wood ducks, mallards, and blue wing teals. He then noted that gamc fish use the north <br />end of the lake as a nursery and explained that during his internship with the DNR fishery <br />when testing for fish numbers the shallow weedy parts of the lakes is where they took <br />their numbers not the main body of the lake. <br /> <br />Mr. Fox indicated the macrophytes playa crucial role in filtration of the water in the lake. <br />He then indicated that the phosphorus levels get locked up in the sediment on the bottom <br />but when stirred up become available and the algae use that for large algae blooms. <br /> <br />Mr. Fox indicated he would like to see Council use the 200 foot buffer off the south side <br />of thc island because the bog poles are up into the active nesting part of the rookery. He <br /> <br />Page 5 01'21 <br />