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<br />FEB-l'3-2002 1Ia: 10 <br /> <br />LEAGLE OF 11N C I TI ES <br /> <br />The appiication shall Sp~cifical1y d~scribe the cllmpad and contiguous <br />premises wld1i1l which liquor may be dispensed and consumed. The description may <br />not indude any pa.r1(Jng lot or sidewalk. <br /> <br />Secoon 13. APPLICATIONS FOR RENEWAL <br /> <br />#: <br /> <br />At least 90 days before a license Jssued und~ Ibis ordinance is to be renewed, <br />an application for renewal shall be flied with thE dty. The decisioll whethl\\r or not to <br />renew a license rests within the soultd discretion of the Coullcil. No licensee has a <br />right to hav'l the license renewed. <br /> <br />Section 14. TRANSFER OF LICENSE <br /> <br />No license ~ued under this ordinance may be transf<irred without the <br />approval of the COllDciI. Any tr.msfer of stock of a corporate licensee is deemed 10 <br />be a transfer of the Iicel1lle, and a transfer of stock without prior Counlo1il approval is <br />a ground for revocation ()f the lilo1ense. An application 00 transfer II licensi! shall he <br />treated tbe same as an appli.:ation for a newlicell!ll1, and all of the provisions of this <br />code applying to applications for II license shall apply. <br /> <br />Section 15. INVESTIGA nON <br /> <br />(A) Prelimi1wry backgTlIrmd {IUd ftllanciill investigation. On IIn initial <br />application for a II.cense, on an appllcatlonfor transfer of a license and, in the sOllJild <br />dIscretion of the Council !Jlllt it is in the public: interest to do SO, 011 an application <br />tor renewal of a license, the city shall conduct a preliminary background and <br />fi_'Rncilll inv~tigatil)n of the applicant or it may contract with the Commissioner of <br />Publilo1 Safety for the in'l'est:igatioD. The applicant shall pay with the appll<:atlon an <br />investig-atloll fee ot $SilO which shall he in addition to any license fee. If the cost of <br />the prelinJinary investigation Is Jess than $500, the unused balance shall be retul'!Jed <br />to the applicant. The re~u1ts of the prellmlnary investigation shall be sent to the <br />Couuuissioner of Public Safety If the application is for an intoxicating liquor <br />licens'i! or all oil-sale winliillcense. <br /> <br />(B) COmpNihellSiv8 !xJCkgt'QUlld and fitUlncial investigation. If the results of a <br />preliminary investigation warrant, in tbe sound dis;:retion of the Council, a <br />comprehensive back~und and financial investigation. the Council may either <br />condud the investigation Itself or COJltract with the CDmmlil$loner ot Public Safety <br />for the investigation. The investigation fee for this comprehensive background and <br />financial investigation 10 be paid by the applicant shall be $500, less any amount <br />paid fur tile initial investigation if th.e investigation is to be conducted within the <br />state, and $10,000, less any tlmount paid for the initial investigatioll, if tbe <br />iU'I'estigation is requlrad outside the slate. The unused balance of the tee shall be <br />returned to the applicant w nether or not the application is denied. The fee shall be <br /> <br />P. l0-24 <br /> <br />" <br />