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<br /> <br />LMC <br /> <br />J:-.p.a 0/ M;,."..... em.. <br />C;fiva"..........~ <br />145 U~.. A~ we.. <br />S.. Paul, MN 55103.2044 <br />phon", (651) 281.1200 <br />1'= (651) 281-1299 <br />lDD, (651) 281-1290 <br />(800) 925-1122 <br />www.J...........1I <br /> <br />The League of .Min.tresota. Cities publishes the <br />Cities Bulletin weekly during the Legislative <br />session and hi-weekly during the interim, tilt: <br />time between ses.sion~. Subscriptions to paper <br />version: MembeI:ll-$60; Non-memben-$75. <br />Subs.c:riptions to electronic version: Members- <br />freeiNon-members-$35 (requires Internet <br />accc:ss and e~D12il address.Visit <br />to subst:ribe or contact ]eanine Hopp ,I[ <br />jhopp@lmnc;.org or (651) 215-4030). <br /> <br />Copies of bills <br />House Chief Clerk's Office <br />296-2314,Rm.211* <br />Secretary of Senate's Office <br />296-2343,I~m.231* <br /> <br />Bill status, anthors, companion, <br />conunittee referral (by biD. <br />number, author, or topic) <br />House Index <br />296-6646, Rm. 211* <br />Senate Index <br />296-2887,1~.231* <br /> <br />Weekly committee schedules, <br />bill introductions, sununaries <br />of committee and floor action <br />House Information Office <br />296-2146, Rm. 175** <br />Senate Information Office <br />296-0504,1~.231* <br /> <br />Recording of the following day's <br />committee schedule and agenda <br />(afte. 4:30 p.m.) <br />House Call <br />296-9283 <br /> <br />Senate Hotline <br />296-8088 <br /> <br />To reach a member on the <br />House or Senate floot <br />House Sergeant at Arms <br />296-9749 <br />Senate Page Desk: <br />296-4159 <br /> <br />To notify the governor's office <br />of your concerns <br />Governor Jesse VentuI:l. <br />296-3391,1~. 130* <br /> <br />For online Minnesota government <br />information and services <br />North StarWeb Site <br /> <br />Minnesota. Legislature <br /> <br /> <br />.State Capitol. Sf:. Pam, MN 55155 <br />-State Office Building, St. Paul 55155 <br />AD area codes are 651 <br /> <br />. <br />~ <br /> <br />FIRST CLASS <br />U.s. POSTAGE <br />PAID <br />Sl Paul, MN <br />PERMIT NO. 3223 <br /> <br />League of Minnesota Cities staff working with legislative issues <br /> <br />Jim Miller, Executive Director <br />(651) 281-1205 <br /> <br />Gary Carlson, Director of Intergovemmental ReLations <br />(651) 281-1255 <br />. Aid to cities . Pensions <br />. Electric utility . Personnel <br />restructuring . Property tax system <br />. Gened revenue sources . Tax increment financing <br />for cities <br /> <br />Anne Finn, Intergovernmental Relations Representative <br />(651) 281-1263 <br />. Housing . Public safety <br />. Land use/annexation . Transportation and transit <br /> <br />Andrea Hedtke, Intergovernmental Relations Representative <br />(651) 281-1258 <br />. Business subsidies . government <br />. Civil liability and . Lawful gambling <br />criminal justice . Liquor <br />. Economic development . Local/tribal relations <br />and redevelopment . Tax increment financing <br /> <br />Ann Higgins, Intergovernmental Relations Representative <br />(651) 281-1257 <br />. Elections and ethics . Information policy <br />. Emergency management . Telecommunications <br />. Housing <br /> <br />Jennifer OtRourke, Intergovernmental Relations Liaison <br />(651) 281-1261 <br />. General government . Personnel <br />. Legislative listserv and . Transportation and transit <br />bill tracker manager <br /> <br />Remi Stone, Senior Intergoverwnental Relations Representative <br />(651) 281-1256 rstone@lmnc.otg <br />. Civilliability . Labot relatiorn <br />. Construction codes . Land use/annexation <br />. Environment . Personnel <br />. General government . Public finance <br />. Insurance <br /> <br />Lynn Peterson, Intergovernmental. Relations Assistant <br />(651) 281-1254 <br />