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City of Centerville <br />January 29, 2004 <br />Resident Input Meeting Minutes <br />material added. Mr. Peterson stated that this was not a total reconstruction of the street <br />only mill and overlay. <br /> <br />rd <br />Ms. Sherry Gust, 1975 – 73 Street, questioned access to resident homes during street <br />construction. Mr. Peterson stated that mill and overlay removed approximately 1 to 1 and <br />½ inches of asphalt and then new asphalt is applied on top of the ground down asphalt <br />and access should not be an issue. <br /> <br />Mr. Timothy Noyes, 7224 Peterson Trail, questioned drainage issues in the area. Mr. <br />Peterson stated that the mill and overlay will assist in water shed issues. Mr. Noyes <br />questioned whether gutters would be replaced. Council advised Mr. Noyes to express his <br />desire for gutters in a letter to Council. <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson discussed the proposed reconstruction portion of Heritage Street and <br />LaMotte Drive. Mr. Peterson stated that the Buckthorn needed to be removed from the <br />area, explained the proposed installation of a new water treatment system prior to flowing <br />into Centerville Lake, curbing and widening of the street. <br /> <br />Mr. Al LaMotte, 1643 Heritage Street, had several questions regarding the new water <br />treatment system and the road near the lake. <br /> <br />Mr. Peter Despen, 1688 Heritage Street, questioned the need for widening the street. Mr. <br />Peterson stated that the street would be widened to 33 feet, back to back with two (2) <br />layers of blacktop, base and draintile. Mr. Despen stated that he felt that the drainage <br />problems by the church road needed to be corrected before the water came to his lot. <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson stated that the cost to hook up to the watermain is $1,500 and the cost to run <br />the line from the main to the house would be approximately $1,000 to $1,500. Mr. <br />Peterson stated that a plumber would need to be hired and capping of existing wells if <br />needed would all be a cost beyond the proposed project assessments. <br /> <br />Mr. LaMotte questioned the tonnage for the new Heritage Street. Mr. Peterson replied <br />that it would be of a 7 ton design, a typical Centerville Road. Mr. Peterson stated that <br />discussions have taken place with the City of Lino Lakes in regards to their residents <br />accessing the road during construction and the possibility of joint road reconstruction. <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson stated that the project would also involve paving of the LaMotte Park <br />parking lot and an asphalt pad for the skate park equipment. Mr. Peterson stated that park <br />dedication funds would be used for this project and no assessments would be incurred by <br />residents. <br /> <br />Mr. John McCall, 7021 LaMotte Drive stated that the park was located in Lino Lakes. <br />Council stated that the park was located in the City of Centerville. <br /> <br />Mr. Tom Wilharber, 6849 Centerville Road, stated that he was appointed a trustee of St. <br />Genevieve Church and questioned the widening of Heritage Street, the computation for <br />Page 2 of 9 <br /> <br />