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2002-04-24 CC Packet (2)
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2002-04-24 CC Packet (2)
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />City of CenterviiIe <br />Council Meetings <br />March 27, 2002 <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded by Mayor Swedberl! to <br />Adollt Ordinance #68 for a No Wake/Surface Use of Motorized Watercraft on <br />Peltier Lake as prollosed by Lino Lakes with the sunset clause. <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson said she is concerned by the lack of communication between the <br />two cities and she feels really insulted that Lino Lakes would not compromise with <br />Centerville on the sunset clause. <br /> <br />Council Member Broussard Vickers said it was more important to ensure that the no <br />wake zone takes effect in time to protect the birds than to argue with Lino Lakes over the <br />sunset clause. She then suggested discussing the matter with Lino Lakes in the future to <br />consider extending the no wake ordinance. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra indicated she had attended both the work session and Council <br />Meeting in Lino Lakes because she was interested in information as to why Lino Lakes <br />wanted the sunset clause and it seems that one Council Member wanted to have the <br />sunset clause as a way to hold staff accountable for bringing the matter back for review to <br />see if the no wake ordinance did any good or if this is another useless law. <br /> <br />Council Member Capra indicated that Mr. Brushell had said he would take on the <br />responsibility of making sure that the Ordinance was reviewed yearly but the <br />recommendation fell on deaf ears. She then said she is disappointed that Lino Lakes <br />Council did not listen to the experts or its own Staff concerning the sunset clause and she <br />feels they did so out of fear of precedent setting for the future. She further commented <br />that she feels the actions of the Lino Lakes Council were disrespectful to Centerville <br />because Centerville's only request was to eliminate the sunset clause and Centerville <br />would have been amenable to adding a clause to the Joint Powers Agreement to require <br />mandatory aunual review to determine whether the no wake ordinance was working. <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson said she feels there are more issues that the cities of Lino Lakes, <br />Centerville and Hugo will be working on together and she thinks Council should go the <br />extra step of going back to Lino Lakes to discuss this matter because she does not feel <br />there was a compromise on the part of Lino Lakes and the two cities did not work very <br />well together. <br /> <br />Council Member Travis said he wanted to make sure that the Peltier Lake Homeowner's <br />Association knows that their concerns did not fall on deaf ears. He then said that a <br />compromise was made where both sides did not get exactly what they wanted. He also <br />said that he agreed with Mr. Evis that the lake association is the best steward of the lake <br />but that lake does not have a heron rookery. He further stated that he is not concerned <br />with the sunset as much as he is with doing what is best for Peltier Lake. <br /> <br />Mayor Swedberg said he and Council appreciated the efforts and comments of the <br />experts and residents concerning the no wake ordinance. He then said he is not sure that <br />the ordinance will help the birds but whether the birds stay or go may be a sign of the <br />overall habitat of the lake and he wants to protect that habitat, if possible. He further said <br /> <br />Page 9 of 18 <br />
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