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2002-07-10 CC Packet
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2002-07-10 CC Packet
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5/12/2009 8:58:19 AM
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<br />5 Amended: <br />4 Amended: 2119/02 <br />3 Amended: 9/4/01 <br />2 Amended: SnJOI <br />I Amended: 1130/01 <br />Effi:ctjve 9/5/00 <br />City ofc.ntervilleOnl.#4 <br />dismantling or "wrecking" of automobiles or other vehicles or machinery, other than the storage of <br />materials which is incidental or accessory to any business or industrial use on the same lot. <br /> <br />Kennel - Commercial - Any structure or premises on which five (5) or more domestic animals over six <br />(6) months of age are kept, owned, boarded, groomed, sheltered, protected, bred, or offered for sale or <br />any other merchandising. Every commercial kennel shall be enclosed or fenced in such a manner as to <br />prevent the running at large or escape of the domestic animal(s) confined therein. <br /> <br />light Manufacturing - The processing and fabrication of certain materials and products where no <br />process involved will produce noise, vibrations, air pollution, fire hazard or noxious emissions which will <br />disturb or endanger neighboring properties. <br /> <br />Lot - A platted parcel of land intended to be separately owned, developed, and otherwise used as a unit. <br /> <br />Lot Area - The area Qf horizontal plane bounded by the vertical planes through front, side, and rear lot <br />lines. <br /> <br />Lot, Corner - A lot abutting on and at the intersection of two or more streets. <br /> <br />Lot Coverage - Determined by dividing that area of a lot which is occupied or covered by the total <br />horizontal projected surface of all buildings, including covered porches and accessory buildings, by the <br />gross area of that lot. <br /> <br />Lot Depth - The average horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. <br /> <br />Lot, Interior - An interior lot is a lot other than a corner lot. <br /> <br />Lot Line - A line dividing one lot from another lot or from a street or alley. <br /> <br />Lot Line, Front - On an interior lot, the lot line abutting a street; or, on a corner lot, the lot lines abutting <br />a street; or, on a through lot, the lot line abutting the street providing the primary access to the lot; or, on <br />a flag lot, the interior lot line most parallel to and nearest the street from which access is obtained. <br /> <br />Lot Line, Rear - The lot line not intersecting a front lot line that is most distant from and most closely <br />parallel to the front lot line. A lot bounded by only three lot lines will not have a rear lot line. <br /> <br />Lot Line, Side - Any lot line not a front or rear lot line. <br /> <br />Lot, Minimum Area Of - The measurements of a lot computed exclusive of any portion of the right-of- <br />way of any public thoroughfare. <br /> <br />Lot of Record - A lot, which is part of a subdivision or plat, an Auditor's Subdivision or a registered Land <br /> <br />~P~~r:~~;.:~f~, ::\ <br />
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