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<br /> I Budget Proposed Variance % Incr. <br /> 2002 2003 +(.) (Deer.) <br />Public Works <br /> Public Works 197,941.46 148,884.00 (49,057.46) -24.78% <br /> Streets 55,000.00 15,000.00 (40,000.00) -72.73% <br /> Street Lighting 32,000.00 25,000.00 (7,000.00) -21.88% <br />Total Public Works 284,941.46 188,884.00 (96,057.46) -33.71% <br />Culture and Recreation <br /> Park/Rec. Committee 1,780.00 2,080.00 300.00 16.85% <br /> Park/Rec. Programs 41,523.82 - r--- 13,750.00 (27,773.82) -66,-~ <br /> Park Maintenance 74,551.47 54,663.00 (19,888.47) -26.68% <br />Total Culture and Recreation 117,855.29 70,493.00 (47,362.29) -40.19% <br />--=I <br />Miscellaneous -- <br />~ I Miscellaneous 0.00 0.00 0.00 I <br />1---, City Festival 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00% <br />Total Miscellaneous i 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00% <br />~ <br />Total Current Expenditures 1,501,829.84 1,450,010.00 (51,819.84) -3.45% <br />I <br />Capital Outlay ---r <br /> - <br />I Generai Government 25.000.0~ 29,000.00 4.000.00 16.00'~ <br /> I Public Safety 0.00 r- 0.00 0.00 196.48% <br /> Streets and Highways 121,500.00 360,223.00 238,723.00 <br />I Cuiture and Recreation 23.500.0~- 0.00+ (23,500= =:.!20.~= <br />=::r:= <br />Total Capital Outlay -- ----r- 170,000.00 389,223.00 219,223.00 I 128.95% <br />~. J - <br />Total Expenditures 1,671,829.84 1,839,233.00 m,~~~t '",,. <br />I (65,547.16) i-- -52.!~ <br />, <br />Excess (Deficit) of Revenues 125,783.16 60,236.00 <br />~er Expenditures --t <br />_=r- -~ <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) i <br />-- -. <br />f--- Operating Transfer In 0.00 0.00 -5211% <br /> Operating Transfer Out (125.783.16) (60.23600)1 65,547.16 <br /> I <br />~- - -tTl12 -s2:t1% <br />Total Other FinancinL__ (125,783.16) (60,236.00) 65,547.16 <br />souq:es(uses) ~ 0.00 0.00 (0.00) -- <br />Excess (Deficiency) of <br />Revenue and Other Financing E-- <br />Sources Over Expenditures <br />and Other Financina Uses I <br /> <br />8/27/2002 <br /> <br />1:48PM <br /> <br />budget summary <br />