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<br /> City of Centerville <br /> 2003 Budget Summary <br /> I I <br />Date of Presentation: August 28, 2002 <br />BudOet: Proposed <br /> Budget Proposed Variance %Incr. <br />k-.L-. 2002 2003 +(-) (Deer.) <br />Enterprise Funds <br />8.evenues: -- <br />ISpecial Assessments t 0.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 #D IV IO! <br />Intergovernmental ~.OO 1_ r- 0.00 0.00 #DIV/O! <br />Charges for Service _ 0 00 499,000.00 499,000.00 #DIV/O! <br />Interest H 0.00 48,000.00 48,000.00 #DIV/O! <br />Miscellaneous Revenue +--- 0.00 000 0.00 #DIV/O! <br />Refunds & Reimbursements --L... 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 #DIV/O! <br />Total Revenues =t 0.00 638,000.00 638,000.00 #DIVIO! <br />I <br />_-..L <br />Expenditures: -- -- ---- <br />Debt Service <br />( Principal - - <br /> 0.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 #DIV/O!_ <br />_lInterest ____ 0.00 23,180.00 23,180.00 #D!V/O! <br />Total Debt Service 0.00 88,180.00 88,180.00 I #DIV/O! <br />1 <br /> -- <br />Enterprise <br />Water Utilities 0.00 220,492.00 220,492.00 #DIV/O! <br />Sewer & Sanitation 0.00. 190,792.00 190,792.00 #D!V/O! <br />Capital Expenditures -- '- ~- 0.00 723,000.00 723,000.00 #DIV/O! <br />Total Enterprise 0.00 1,134,284.00 1,134,284.00 #DIVIO! <br /> I <br />Total Expenditures =1=- 0.00 . 1,222,464.00 -- <br /> 1,222,464.00 #O/V/O! <br /> 0.00lliS.!l4'464'00) -- <br />Excess (Deficit) of Revenues (S84,464.00) #DIV/O! <br />Over Expenditures - -- <br />Other Financing Sources (Uses) - <br /> L- -- <br />0.._ T.~'" '" ~ -- 0.00 0.00 0.00 <br />I----- Operating Transfer Out 0.00 (30,000.00) (30,000.00) #DIV/O! <br /> C-.. <br />Total Other Financing 0.00 (30,000.00) (30,000.00) #DIV/O! <br />Sources (Uses) I <br /> I <br />Excess (Deficiencv) of 0.00 (614,464.00) (614,464.00) <br />Revenue and Other Financing - <br />Sources Over Expenditures <br />and Other Financing Uses <br /> <br />8/27/2002 <br /> <br />1:49 PM <br /> <br />budget summary enterprise <br />