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<br /> <br />8:00 AM Roundtables by Topic <br />Continental Breakfast and Exhibits <br /> <br />I DAY, OCTOBER 11,2002 <br /> <br />9:00 AM GENERAL SESSION <br />What's the Forecast? What Can the Consumer Expect? ................................. Moderator: Wayne Schmidt <br />Panel: Bill Hanley. Brian lambert. Will Outlaw <br />As the world of telecommunications changes on a daily basis, what can consumers really expect in the way of services, programs, and products <br />in their future? The panelists have their fingers on the pulse of consumers and have some interesting perspectives to share with attendees. <br /> <br />10:30AM VENDOR EXHIBITS AND REFRESHMENT BREAK <br /> <br />11 :OOAM CONCURRENT SESSIONS: <br />1. Batten Down the Hatches: Protecting Your Municipal Interests ..................... Moderator: Diann Kirby <br />Panel: Michael Bradley. Esq.. Linda Gloor. Tom Grundhoefer <br />Local governments have both financial and public interests in protecting "their" property. Learn from those who, in some cases, have literally been <br />in the trenches in administering rfghts-of-way use, ensuring the proper placement of telecom equipment on public property, and the location of <br />towers on both public and private land. <br /> <br />2. Production Equipment: From Council Chambers to <br />Production Vans and Everything in Between .............................................................. Moderator: HeidiArnson <br />Panel: Will Craig. Mark Hotchkiss. Jeffrey Volk <br />Learn about the latest and greatest trends in production from the digital format debate to how to decide what equipment should go where. <br /> <br />12:15 PM Luncheon & Keynote Address: The FCC <br />Perspective of Telecom and the Consumer.................................................................. Moderator: Jefflueders <br />Speaker: K. Dane Snowden. Chief of Consumer & Government Affairs Bureau. FCC <br />The FCC and local communities hear from consumers on a daily basis about telecommunications services and providers. In many cases, the local <br />communities have been preempted from taking action on behalf of the consumer. This session will give attendees the opportunity to hear directly <br />from the Chief of the Consumer and Government Affairs Bureau of the FCC about the ways in which they are working toward ensuring Consumers <br />get the best service from telecom providers. <br /> <br />1 :45 PM ADJOURN <br /> <br />**NOTE: Program and speakers are subject to change. <br /> <br />---------------------------------------------- <br /> <br />MACTA Annuq/ Conference <br /> <br />Please photocopy for additional registrations <br /> <br />Octobe~ 10 - 11, 2002 <br />, <br /> <br />NAME: <br /> <br />CITY/ORGANIZATION; <br /> <br />ADDRESS :" <br />CITY/STATE!ZJP: <br /> <br />BUSINESS TELEPHONE: <br /> <br />FAX: <br /> <br />E-MAIL <br /> <br />REGISTRATION FEE: MACTAMember? DYES D'NO FirstTimeAttendee? CheckHereD <br /> <br />MACTA MEMBER OR NON-MN NATOA FEES: NON-MEMBER FEES: <br />o Postmarked by September 27: $27500 0 Postmarked by September 27: $375.00 <br />o Postmarked after September 27: $325,00 0 Postmarked after September 27: $425.00 <br />Studio Tours & Dinner: $20.00 RSVP by 9/30/02 0 Studio Tours & Dinner: $20.00 RSVP by 9/30/02 <br /> <br />LTIPLE REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: Register three or more people from the same organization in one payment, <br />and you may deducl $20 per person from the fee. <br /> <br />PAYMENT: <br />MAIL TO: <br /> <br />Amount $ <br /> <br />o Check Enclosed <br /> <br />D Purchase Order Number: <br /> <br />MACTA. "1711 W. County Road B, Suite 300N, Roseville, MN 55113 FAX: 651.635.0307 <br />