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<br />5. Robert O'Brien leader of the Minnesota Safe and Sober Campaign presented a <br />digital Preliminary Breath Test Analyzer to Corporal Mike Jensen. <br />The department won the award in competition with Departments state-wide in support of <br />the safe and sober campaign to lower traffic fatalities. This marks the second year in <br />row that the Department has been recognized for its work in traffic safety awareness <br />and prevention. Deaths from traffic crashes result in hundreds of deaths every day <br />nationwide. Seatbelt usage in Minnesota is at 80%. Those who do not use seatbelts <br />are involved in 69% of fatal crashes. <br /> <br />6. Public Forum <br />There were no citizens present for the public forum. <br /> <br />Workshop Continued from Previous Meeting <br />7. Commissioner Simmons lead a brief discussion of examples of the scale/scoring <br />system he has presented over the last several meetings. It appeared that the <br />Commission was willing to try the new approach as goals were developed in the <br />future. <br /> <br />8. Commissioners' Comments <br />Simmons - commented on the success of the defibrilators and the saving of a life <br />recently. <br /> <br />Korst - commented on speed issues in Circle Pines and a individual sleeping in a car <br />on a residential street. The Chief said the county gave them the radar wagon, but the <br />newest equipment is capable of noting the time of speeding which can aid the <br />Department in focusing enforcement at specific times. The unit costs $15,000. <br /> <br />Grahek - also commented on the defibrilators and the positive outcome from having <br />such equipment in the squads. <br /> <br />Lund - commented on a ride-along with officer Jensen and Langner <br /> <br />Mahr - commented that she had been approached by a resident interested in becoming <br />a reserve officer and did not know that was an opportunity in CLPD. The Chief <br />welcomed a call from the individual to discuss the opportunities available. <br /> <br />.-- <br />..:), <br />