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<br />"? <br /> <br />special enforcement to the drivers not using a seat belt. One of the prizes this year for <br />most citations issued by a department is moving radar. I'm hoping that the officers of the <br />Centennial Lakes Police Department once again meet this challenge. <br /> <br />9) COP/Overview from. officers. <br /> <br />7) Schedule. Corporal McCarty and I are working on the schedule together. We go over <br />vacation and other related scheduling items and make sure we have staffing on the street. <br />Corporal McCarty is in charge of printing and making changes on the schedule. We both <br />made this decision so as to make things work smoother and then only person does the <br />actual printing of the schedule. Corporal McCarty will address the schedule more in <br />depth in his report. <br /> <br />Officer Krueger works in grid 5. Officer Krueger advised that in his grid crime <br />was low and the citizens expressed concern about speeders. <br /> <br />Officer Bernardy has been assigned to grid 5. Officer Bernardy advised that in <br />gird 5 he conducted residential patrol and did business checks. <br /> <br />I work ill grid 5 & 6 located in the City .of Centerville. October was a busy month <br />planning for the up coming Safe and Sober seat belt challenge and department projects. I <br />. have been motivating officers to get out and do foot, bike, park and ATV patrol. Winter <br />is approaching quickly and we will be getting the snowmobile out and about also. I <br />believe that this is very important to the communities. I will continue to keep officers <br />motivated. During the month of October I was a call car often because of vacation fill in <br />and we are still in FTO with the two new officers. This will continue for the next few <br />months. Grid 5 & 6 during the month of October was busier with calls for service; <br />criminaf' activity was some what down for the month. At the October Commission <br />meeting Bob O'Brien With Safe and Sober presented the department with a new 'digital <br />PBT. 'the department was awarded this PBT for our high activity during the May 2002 <br />seat belt enforcement project. At the October Commission meeting I also conduCted a <br />cable TV interview about Safe and Sober and the up and coming seat belt challenge. <br />During our October department meeting officers asked that we change the way we log <br />COP activity. At present we have a clip board for each activity hanging by the squad <br />room. Officers asked that only one clip board be used and that all COP activities be <br />logged on that and to put it by the squad room. r have taken care of this request and I will <br />monitor to see if this works better than before.. . <br /> <br />Corporal Mike Jensen 106 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />:]7, <br />