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<br />From: Swanson, Kathryn <br />Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 8:39 AM <br />To: *AII Traffic Safety <br />Cc: Smith, Dennis <br />Subject: Dr. Runge <br /> <br />At a meeting I attended on Saturday, Dr. Runge (head of NHTSA) spoke. Here are the <br />highlights/sound bites from his message: <br />. Traffic deaths in the US are the equivalent loss of a fully-loaded 737 every day, or a <br />disaster like 9/11 every 5 weeks. <br />. Economic Impact: $230 billion/year -- $820 for every taxpayer. <br />. Impaired drivers -- and speeders and those not driving with respect for others __ are <br />terrorists on our roadways. <br />. Some say the "3 E's" are enforcement, engineering, and education __ he thinks they are <br />enforcement, enforcement, enforcement. .~ <br />. Motorcyclist fatalities are up nationwide for 4 years in a row. They don't yet have MC <br />VMT (but it sounded like they were working on getting it), but he suspect MC VMT is <br />rising faster than VMT for other vehicles. He says helmet use is 60% nationwide, and <br />blames increase in fatalities on increased exposure, alcohol, and lack of helmets. <br />. The only good news: child fatafities are down. Fatalities among kids under 5 dropped <br />8.5% -- and he credits the CPS programs and advocates (way to go, Patti!). <br />. Alcohol: .08 is not a panacea. We need strict enforcement of scientifically sound laws; <br />we need cops, courts (prosecutors and judges), and treatment to work together; N HTSA <br />will continue to promote SFST and DRE <br />. . Reauthorization: he urged cops to contact Congress ("cpps have cache __ use it to <br />benefit the people of America"). People will be urging Congress to fund LRT and roads __ <br />but we need to insist that Congress ~Iso funds- enforcement, because that is what will <br />save lives. <br />. NHTSA will propose a ~No-tiered grant program. the first tier will be formula-based (as <br />402 funds are done now). the second tier will be incentive based. States that can <br />achieve three goals (90% belt use, .53 Alcohol-related fataiities per 100 million VMT, and <br />1.0 fatalities per 100 million VMT) wiil have access to funds on this tier. <br />. There will be more belt mobilizations, and he wants an enforcement message for belt <br />use. USA loses $26 biiiion for lack of belt use (note: I'm not sure this jives with his <br />previous economic loss figure}. The medical costs from crashes is equal to the entire US <br />DOT budget. <br />. 2003 will be the Year of the Impaired Driver. <br />On Sunday, Annette Sandberg (deputy administrator for NHTSA) spoke -_ nearly the -same <br />message. Here are a few extra things she threw in: <br />. For the $230 billion in economic loss, we can get a breakdown by state and by type of <br />crash. <br />. NHTSA will want to work booze and belts together -- urge officers making DWI stops to <br />also enforce belt use, <br />Another speaker (Dave Smith from FHWA) said that a video has been produced and sent to all <br />law enforcement agencies with 10 or more officers. The video is "Safety Starts with Crash Data" <br />and it emphasizes the importance of carefui and thorough crash investigation and reporting. I will <br />give the copy J have to Marc -- we can can order more for our small agencies if we want. <br /> <br />One final quotation - I don't have a name to attribute it to, but I thought it might be a useful angle <br />for our belt use numbers: 'The progress we've made is significant. The progress we've made is <br />weicome. But we are not done." <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1 (f. <br />